Mums & Dads

Hi there, this is a backup board for Mums & Dads real board as it sometime happens that it goes down so we all have a place to go to if it happens again. Sorry if it has :) Jess

Mums & Dads
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I am so Fucking angry now

This is it with this ****ty place... I will not have this more, cant understand what on earth they are doing on the hosted board.

I am getting the paid board anyway.
I am getting the cheapest one and paying $10 a month.
So I will open a paypal thing incase anyone sometime would like to help out, but I am not expecting it so I dont want anyone to feel that they have to.

Re: I am so Fucking angry now

Aww Jess, I am sorry this has happened again. How much is it for the paid board?

Re: I am so Fucking angry now

Its £6 a month ($10) which is not that much at all really.
But will have to be careful with adding pics to the boards and stuff but this will be so much better anyway as it will be faster.

Thanks for your support Zaheda

Re: I am so Fucking angry now

Awwweee Jess hons, its frustrating I know, but we're here and we're staying here hons!!!!!
Why do ye need to be careful adding pics????

Re: Re: I am so Fucking angry now

I am so sorry that you are having to go through all of this again!!! (((HUGS))) You know that we are here whenever you need us!!! Anything you need help with, I am here!

Re: I am so Fucking angry now

OH no, I was wondering what happened. I finally got to come on line and there was no board!! Hope things get sorted soon honey xx