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Pompadours on the Bank Update

Hi All, Please be aware that Rob Hewitt, the Web-master has kindly updated the Pompadours on the Bank Page with all the results and a report from the recent event held at Decoy Lakes. Thanks to everyone who came and made it so enjoyable again. Thank you also for the e-mails i received here...and although i spoke to Steve Bulbeck at length the other day at Tacklefest in Peterborough...he wasnt really to interested in missing the next event in October!! He would be interested in mowing your lawns and doing any landscaping requirements but, not on the 14th October! We'll have to think of something else to keep him away! Looking forward to seeing you all again later in the year and hopefully some of you at the E and G and the Regimental Day.
Best Regards to ALL Pompadours far and wide
All the Fours 444's Ollie Dent