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Re: 5 platoon, B Coy, 1984-87

Hi Nick
You may find some old mates you are looking for on the other webb site.
It`s called "The RoyalAnglian forums"

all the 4sssssssssssss


Re: 5 platoon, B Coy, 1984-87

Nick you could also try sticking your head over the top on the lads guest book as this section is rarely used mate !!!

Re: 5 platoon, B Coy, 1984-87


how you going? How is life treating you? What have you been up to since you left? Have you heard from geordie? Tim Blackham is on the other site.

All the 4444444's


Re: 5 platoon, B Coy, 1984-87

Im good mate. Married with 3 boys. I last saw Geordie cat about 20 years back - living in Bad O. I saw John Richardson 3 years back and am in 'loose' contact with Nobby. Hows tricks with yourself? I have tried emailing you, Fletch, Tim but got no replies. If you see this, mail me a phone number...

What are you up to anyhow...I thought you were always ion for 22 years!!!