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Uncle Jessie and Glenn?

These board have been kind of quiet since we lost Glenn. That makes me sad.

Has anyone been watching "ER" lately? John Stamos has joined the cast. A couple of times, I have looked and him and been reminded of Glenn. I see a resemblance when I look at the picture of Glenn shown on the boards here. Does anyone else see it or am I as crazy as some people say I am? Maybe they could have cast Stamos in "3:10 to Yuma." What do you think?

Take care,


Re: Uncle Jessie and Glenn?

Hi Peg,

Autumn is a really busy time of year. I'm betting that's part of the reason. I check this board regularly for new posts, but I haven't had time to think of any new ones myself !

Yeah, come to think of it, Stamos does look like him in the face to an extent. I don't watch ER, but I know what he looks like. I don't think he could do Yuma. I don't think anyone can. For anyone else, it's just an attempt.



Re: Uncle Jessie and Glenn?

Hey Desiree,

I agree about nobody being able to do Yuma like GF. I wish, instead of doing remakes, they'd just show GF's original films more often. He was great and Yuma was one of his best (IMHO).

Take care,


Re: Re: Uncle Jessie and Glenn?

Dittos on that, Peg.

It takes some work, time, and money of course, but through various sites, you can acquire all of Glenn's films, and then you can watch them anytime you want !

I've done that and am almost done watching them the first time through. I have three left on my list. Out of all, Dear Heart is my favorite.



Re: Uncle Jessie and Glenn?

Hi Desiree,

I know. I do own copies of more than half of Glenn's films. Even though I can watch many of them whenever I want to, it is nice to see them in the TV lineup. It just reminds me that we're not the only ones who appreciate his work.

"Dear Heart" is DEFINITELY one of my favorites. That movie is SO romantic! Have you seen "The Green Glove?" I really liked the chemistry between Glenn and the female lead, Geraldine Brooks. My other favorites are "Jubal," "The Rounders," "Teahouse of the August Moon," and "Advance to the Rear." I like them for different reasons but I like them all. He was just wonderful!!

Take care,


Re: Re: Uncle Jessie and Glenn?

Hi Peg,

Yes, I've seen the Green Glove, very good, and on a European location. The three remaining I haven't gotten to yet are The Gift, My Town, and Blondie Plays Cupid.

Yeah, his movies do run rather often. You can look that up on

