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Blackboard Jungle

Does ANY Glenn Ford fan in Los Angeles have a VHS or DVD copy of "BlackBoard Jungle" that I could borrow for a couple of days?

I am involved with a group called the Americanism Education League. AEL is having its annual dinner in downtown Los Angeles this Thursday evening, November 2nd. They are presenting their "American Spirt Award" to honor Glenn's memory, and want to copy about three minutes from BlackBoard Jungle to show that evening in the ballroom.

I am a long-time friend of Glenn's, attended his funeral in Santa Monica... and am still close to his son Peter, but I need someone's help FAST. I am in Glendale, will drive wherever to pick up your tape or DVD. I promise to return it very quickly. Thank you,

Allen Brandstater
Glendale, CA

Re: Blackboard Jungle

Hi Allen,

I'm in Massachusetts, but have a few suggestions. Try your main branch library. It's a famous movie, and I bet they have it. You could borrow it from the library. Also, check Blockbuster video or the equivalent out there. I'm betting they have it in stock to rent. Also, if you know Peter so well, call or email him and ask for it.

Nice that Glenn is getting this award. I only wish the Hollywood crowd did more while he was alive.

