Teaching Tolkien Forum

A discussion forum for collegiate-level teachers of Tolkien's works.

Teaching Tolkien Forum
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Welcome to the Teaching Tolkien Discussion Forum

Welcome to the Teaching Tolkien discussion. This board is intended for use by adults over 18, and may contain comments inappropriate for minors.

All are welcome to read the contents of this forum. All instructors at the nonprofit community-college, baccalaureate college, or higher levels are welcome to post; independent scholars are welcome also, pending communication with me. A password is needed and will be provided upon email request; please do not post it here or forward to others without permission.

We will aspire to a high signal-to-noise ratio; accordingly, real names and institutional affiliations should be indicated. Frivolous, irrelevant, commercial, or discourteous postings will be discouraged, and as need be, deleted and prevented. Please do not post attachments. At the same time, this board is intended for free and open discussion of all issues relevant to the collegiate-level teaching of Tolkien's works, and adult language and topics will not be censored as such.

This board is currently set up to support threaded discussion, though if need be it can be reformatted to have topic-specific areas; the threaded method seems most suitable for those used to academic listserv discussions.