Soul/Funk Forum

The discussion center for 80`s Soul & Funk lovers. Post freely about the Music, Record Trading, MP3, Background Information etc. etc. Get in touch with other musiclovers and share your thoughts. Enjoy the forum and keep it funky! Soul/Funk Forum
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Advice for an English guy in America?

Hello all,

I am a soul/disco/boogie funk fan/DJ from london and am soon to go and visit friends in LA. I was wondering if anyone had any advice on record shopping abroad, in particular, any advice on the best/cheapest way to transport records back to the UK would be greatly appreciated. I really want to buy lots of records while I am out there as I guess they will be much cheaper, I just wonder if there is any way to avoid getting stung hard on importing them back.

Any local knowledge on good record stores/thrift stores in LA would also be very useful
