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Might As Well Face It: You're Addicted To Slash ~The Forum~
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"Up Up and Away" fic

I just have to say, that story is hilarious! C & C are absolutly hilarious in the story & on tv. Last night's segment on RAW w/ Christian & Jericho being on strike was great! Keep up the great work, GG!

Oh yeah, my birthday is in a few about putting me in a het bday fic w/ Jay with an appearance by Adam? I would totally love that! Don't worry , I am WAY OVER 18 lol


~Christian's #1 Peep~
**Get Well Soon, Edge!**

Why thank you! :)

Thanks so much for the feedback! Glad you liked the story. I love writing them like that; although I think I've only written metal-Jericho with Chrissy once before, but they're fun.

I was disappointed that Jericho was wearing his boring old tights on RAW - I want more shiny vinal and skin-tight checkered pant! Jericho's Rico-worthy fashion sense is a reason to watch RAW in itself.

I hate to disappointed you about the fic, but I honestly don't write het at all. I think out of the 100's of fics on my site, there might be 2 het, and they're from way back when I first started writing fic. I do have a reference for you, though. There's a group called "Request a Wrestlefic" (RAW) that I was in a while ago that does fics mostly just like your request. Although I haven't been in the group for a long time, so I'm not sure how active they are anymore. Probably worth checking out though: