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Might As Well Face It: You're Addicted To Slash ~The Forum~
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Carlito/John? That's COOL!

I prefer John with Torrie, and Carlito with Stacy. But if I'm gonna read slash, it would have to be Cena/Carlito. Your friendship fiction with them rocked. I'm writing one, too. Though, it's just friendship. It's more Carly Colon than Carlito.

Which brings me to my point:
In your fic, Carlito and John are friends. -In kayfabe, their not. In real life, they are very good friends, I hear.- But in your fic, you call Carlito as "Carlito Cool", his kayfabe real name.

So, are they real John and Carly. Or character!John and Carlito. Or a mix of both?

Did that make sense? Anyway, you rock. Please write more John/Carlito fic. :)

Re: Carlito/John? That's COOL!

Thanks for your compliment on that fic! I'm really proud of that one.

You pose an excellent question about keyfabe/in character vs real life. It's hard to define. It's generally a mix in my writing, except in the few cases where I'm really writing a character in keyfabe.

In this story, I would say I'm creating a third variation of the guys. I'm not really writing about them as they are in real life, I'm creating a persona for them that is the actor behind the on-tv character, but is still a created character, only this time, a character created by me.

I hope that answer makes sense. I guess I could say that they're my fictional version of the actor behind the character.

That really is a thoughtful question, thank you for posing it!


Re: Carlito/John? That's COOL!

Once upon a time, in a world filled with exam worries, a hero named take my teas exam for me emerged. Accompanied by a team of scholarly knights, they embarked on a mission to banish stress and usher in an era of incredible grades. Join them on this journey, and write your own success story.