Royal City Bowmen

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I'm wondering about joining the Royal City Bowmen. I am new to archery and know nothing really, and have not purchased a bow yet. I was wondering if it was possible to come out and get some lessons, and if you had bows to rent/use to see what kind of bow I would like to buy? Any help is much appreciated :)

Re: Joining

Hey Natasha, to join its best to call Terry his number is on the main site no one seems to go on the form to answer questions. There isn't any official lessons that I know about but lots of people would be glad to help you out. As for trying bows out try a few of the local archery shops. Shooters choice in Waterloo has a good selection of bows and a range to try before you buy and there is a shop in Fergus that has a range I believe as well. If you would like to know more or see the club I'd be happy to help you out.