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Your book

Hi Christopher! Just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed your book - Truly, I could not put it down. I pray for your continued sobriety, success and happiness. The part that cracked me up was you saying that your mom would slide in and out of Mass -- and that's just the same as I do. Too funny! I felt somewhat absolved because of it -- the other thing I just wanted to say is that the last time I was proud to be a Catholic was when your family led the nation. That's really a shame, but that's the truth. I know that there are many that are disillusioned about the Church and we are at a loss to do anything about it. I tell my friends that Americans need to realize that the Catholic Church is not a democracy. :) So I am a Cafeteria Catholic - I pick and choose what I want to believe in -- and yet, could never really sign up for another church. I think it is engrained in us, much like it is to be Jewish or Irish or American. The good news is that the disappointment has spurred me onto an avenue of spirituality that is far more beautiful than any man-made establishment. I wish you well Christopher, and my love to you and your family...Mary