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Will there ever be a movie about Jaco's life?

I'm new to this forum, so please forgive me if other threads exist on this topic.

I was wondering if anyone has ever heard any talk of a movie of Jaco's life? I think such a movie would have universal appeal.

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Re: Will there ever be a movie about Jaco's life?

Lots of talk about a movie for the past 20 years. Will it ever happen? Who's to say. I believe there will be something, movie or documentary, Jaco is too good not to. Takes guts, stamina, bravado, and funds, and hopefully not under the control of a greedy distorted "producer".

Re: Will there ever be a movie about Jaco's life?

Hi Ingrid,

You got that right! Keep all the money-grubbing idiots away from that project, if it ever happens.

I read the Milkowski book and agree with you that it paints a really negative image of Jaco [in the end]. I never met Jaco, but I have to believe that for every bad incident, there had to be thousands of times that he was making people laugh and smile in the later years. It would have been nice to have been able to read about those times too, in Jaco's final years.

God bless you and your family.


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Re: Will there ever be a movie about Jaco's life?

Is Billy Yeager still producing a Jaco flick?