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Re: new MURAL

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Re: new MURAL

As of today...the mural appears to be complete. Not my taste, it isn't creative enough, merely paint-by-numbers photo replicas, the clouds are strange, the swirls copied from Van Gogh, the eyes lack luster, aside from the fact that underneath the paint there is a burial ground of the first, which had a story, life, and color, but was destroyed due to power tripping, ego, and greed. My apologies for sounding negative, it's however how I feel, which doesn't mean I am right.

"Different strokes for different folks."
"To each there own"

Anyhow, glad there is at least a mural attempting to honor is the link to view the most recent photos of the mural:

Re: new MURAL

Where is the soul? Am I missing it?

Re: new MURAL

Yes, you are missing it, Candy, it isn't there. :)

But, in the "big picture", it is par for the course.