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Jaco's Fret-Less Hang!

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Re: Jaco Pastorius and Ira Sullivan

thank you both for your replies. I wonder how much more
Jaco recordings (studio or live)are yet to be known.

i guess there must be dozens of soundboard recordings since the early days, until the final years. Are there any plans for a proper(official) release of any of them? there´s always a great interest in any of Jaco´s music all over the world.

Listening To: Havona

Re: Jaco Pastorius and Ira Sullivan

No doubt there is more music, even unheard gems, to be enjoyed, traders of Jaco's music can attest to that, but I am not affiliated with any official Jaco matters, and like you, wonder and hope for same, as well am I befuddled as to why the official entity, site, and it's four heirs themselves don't make available any of their father's recordings or other memorabilia for the Jaco fans to treasure, therefore in their official capacity create and further Jaco's well-deserved legacy. Thus far too much time has only been spent on negative energy while slandering attempts to honor Jaco and his work, resulting in lack of productivity. Always better to be pro-active rather than re-active, in all facets of life.