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Re: INVITATION: post your DRABBLE here...!

LOL, I love the couple in dancing mode, Enid! And most certainly latin! Will post it on the appropriate page as soon as possible.

Thank you for sharing!

Re: INVITATION: post your DRABBLE here...!

I've posted a new drabble. It's called Jealousy, and this theme is one you will stumble on a couple of times in my WIP The Grand Tour which I'm re-writing at the moment, and hope to start posting soon.

I was inspired by Firthness where the members are also invited to post drabbles in their drabble game thread.

A good moment to urge you ladies to pick up the pen again! I haven't seen you drabble artists in a while, come on, show me you skills!

Re: INVITATION: post your DRABBLE here...!

Hi everyone! I just wrote a silly and a rather melodramatic drabble set in the beginning of World War II, hope you like it:)

When he comes back

There had been a ball at Netherfield on the night before Bingley and Darcy left for the continent. She could still see it all. Miss Bingley in her sleek purple silk gown laughing loudly at something that wasn’t funny. The way her mother’s cigarette flipped precariously up and down in her hand when she was giving away a particularly juicy piece of gossip. How Jane’s eyes glistened with tears when she thought of Bingley fighting the Germans.

But most of all she could see Mr. Darcy. In the darkness of the hall, just before he left, he had grabbed her by the shoulders, kissed her fiercely despite her resistance and whispered: “When this war is over I will come back. And you will love me.” He had left without another word and she had stood in the dark her lips burning, seething at his words. The gall of that man! And yet…

Re: INVITATION: post your DRABBLE here...!

This is lovely, Anni! TY. I will post it on the appropriate page as soon as possible.

Re: INVITATION: post your DRABBLE here...!

Another little scene of the same theme popped in my head just now, hopefully you don't mind me posting it here as well:)

The Blitz

They were in his bed, Elizabeth on top of him, her eyes full of laughter: “So am I to take it that you’ve finally begun to find me handsome enough to tempt you, Mr. Darcy?” She poked his chest with her forefinger, playfully at first but then more insistently … and then, suddenly, he was awake and it was Bingley doing the poking. “Darce? Wake up, man!”

Groggily he opened his eyes and saw Bingley standing next to him looking anxious. The warmth of Lizzy’s body had escaped him along with the dream and he tried to wrap his greatcoat more tightly around him to avoid the cold September morning. “What is it Bings?” “I’ve had a letter from Jane. “ Suddenly Darcy was wide awake. “They’ve had to leave London because of the bombings. The whole family has gone to stay with that cousin of theirs, Collins.” Darcy felt a wave of relief wash over him, she was safe. But Bingley wasn’t finished. “Except for Elizabeth, Jane says she’s refused to leave her job at the hospital.” Not even the greatcoat could protect Darcy from the chill that suffused him when he thought of Elizabeth alone in London, at the mercy of Hitler’s Luftwaffe. “Bingley, I have to get back home. Now.”

Re: INVITATION: post your DRABBLE here...!

TY again, Anni. Will read and post asap. RL is a bit in the way at the moment, but it will get to the appropriate page eventually. Don't worry!

Re: INVITATION: post your DRABBLE here...!

Hi Renee, Roselene here, I popped over from Firthness to have a look at your site, it's great by the way, and I found all these amazing drabbles.
I enjoyed all of them so much, and thought I should leave a comment, so here goes;
Are You Ticklish by Julie - A lovely drabble, don't you just adore Darcy?
Life is too short by Anne - Interesting drabble, I could see it continuing.
At Half Past Midnight by Mel - A super drabble, I felt for Darcy.
In The Dark by Mel - Very emotive, a lovely drabble.
A Decent Rousing by Mel - Great drabble. Yeah! Lizzy and Darcy together.
Evolution by Lisa J - A really charming drabble.
On The Cusp by Bambu - A lovely drabble, so emotive.
Winter Spring by Bambu - A great drabble, so wistful.
A Painful Word by Bambu - A super drabble.
An Olive Branch by Katja - Great drabble, but very intriguing! What did Lady Catherine say?
The Look by Sofie - A lovely drabble, deliciously naughty!
Compromised by Anniina - A really hilarious drabble, I would love to have seen Caroloine's face.
Those Eyes by Angeles - A super drabble.
Dancing With A Stranger by Enid - A lovely drabble.

Last but by no means least, your two Renee,
Jealousy - Dear Darcy, he is just so adorable, a really super drabble.
Long Lasting Love And Affection - I absolutely loved it, a really beautiful drabble.
My DH and I are not quite that old,(but not too far off either). We just recently celebrated our 29th wedding anniversary, and as corny as it sounds, he still has that effect on me. Love truly is, a many splendoured thing.

Anyway Renee, thanks for a very enjoyable time, I really like your site, and no doubt, will be popping in again soon. Take care.


Re: INVITATION: post your DRABBLE here...!

My dear Roselene, I wish you a very warm welcome to this little community. I'm very happy you've find your way to it, and thank you for the kind comments. I'm sure the drabblers will appreciate it if they read your post.

So funny, I had totally forgotten about my jealousy drabble! I thought you mistook me for someone else, but it is mine allright! It's an adaptation of a little scene from a WIP I'm writing.

Hope to see you often, dear.


PS My husband and I hope to celebrate our 36th anniversary May 29. Baby boomers too, like you.

Re: INVITATION: post your DRABBLE here...!

Hello all!

I have long been a fan of this fantastic site and used to be an avid reader, but sadly my studies have left me little time nowadays...

This humble drabble of mine is dedicated to all of the writers on MrsDarcy, who inspired me to write this, and of course Renee, the wonderful webmaster.

Any comments would be fully appreciated.


A Chemistry Experiment Gone Wrong

The class evacuated into the empty hallway. Students clamped their noses and mouths vigorously shut, and scrambled as far as their legs could take them. Everyone screamed silently in their throats, and no one dared to take a breath. It was as if a massive skunk had unleashed its most concentrated weapon back in the lab.

In the hall, two students were glaring at each other with dangerous rage, and once the pungent odor thinned down enough, the girl hollered thunderously.

"I TOLD you to take a beaker of glycerol, NOT WATER!"

The boy's complexion darkened with wrath, matching her anger equally.

"I DID GET GLYCEROL!" He yelled.

She responded with lightning fast quickness.

"Oh really? Then WHY are we smelling essence-a-la-skunk? But YOU never make a mistake! You're the I'm-so-perfect William Darcy!"

"Please, let me savor the moment. It's so rare to hear such a gracious compliment from Lizzy Bennet!"

"ENOUGH!" Mr. Lucas roared, silencing the two. The rest of the class looked on with much excitement.

"Detention for the both of you."

Near the back of the crowd, a smug Caroline Bingley gloated at her success, after having surreptitiously disposed of an empty water bottle.

Re: INVITATION: post your DRABBLE here...!

Thank you, Susan, this was fun! Such a nasty schemer, our Caroline.

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