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Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Im looking for a fanfiction I started readng a while back. All I can remember is a scene right at the start where Elizabeth falls into a pond and almost drowns but is saved by ? darcy.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Im looking for a fanfiction I started readng a while back. All I can remember is a scene right at the start where Elizabeth falls into a pond and almost drowns but is saved by ? darcy.

Is this a Regency or a Modern?

Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

A Regency - well not modern anyway ;)!

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?
Try this, though it is E who rescues D

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

I'm looking for a story:

I just had a memory of a story pop into my head and I know I have read this somewhere but I can't remember any of the rest of the story.

Regency story - Lizzy and Darcy have married and either Lady Catherine or Lady Matlock came to Darcy's and was berating him for marrying Lizzy. They mentioned something about how many cards had been left since his marriage and apparently the amount had been significantly smaller than before his marriage. Lizzy didn't seem to know anything about this since she wasn't the one who looked at these cards.

That is all I can remember about it...just that one scene. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I don't even remember if it was finished or a wip that has been abandoned. Help!!


Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Sandy C
I'm looking for a story:

I just had a memory of a story pop into my head and I know I have read this somewhere but I can't remember any of the rest of the story.

Regency story - Lizzy and Darcy have married and either Lady Catherine or Lady Matlock came to Darcy's and was berating him for marrying Lizzy. They mentioned something about how many cards had been left since his marriage and apparently the amount had been significantly smaller than before his marriage. Lizzy didn't seem to know anything about this since she wasn't the one who looked at these cards.

That is all I can remember about it...just that one scene. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I don't even remember if it was finished or a wip that has been abandoned. Help!!


The story was found for me on another site. It is Sharon's Darcy Saga - Two Shall Become One.

Now it's time for a re-read.


Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Is this still available online? I thought the works of this writer were only available in print.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Mrs. Darcy
Is this still available online? I thought the works of this writer were only available in print. print only.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Mrs Darcy, this isn't urgent
but I was wondering
the author of Love Calls Twice, Nothing Between Us and that modern story of Mark Darcy & Elizabeth something, Elena, where is she of what happen to them? I did not get to finish the last two stories and I missed reading them. I think you posted a note about it, but I forgotten what the note said.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Elena (Lucia), did she finish 'An Affair in Three Simple Lessons'?
I love this story, but after chapter 43 all went quiet.The last chapter and finish was to follow and I wondered what happened.
Is there any chance for this last part to get hold of? It is do frustating not to be able to get the end of this wonderful story.
Please help a very frustrated lady.
Thank you.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Help! I'm looking for a modern story: Lizzie is American; Darcy is a Britsh business mogul & Mrs. Bennett owns an art gallery in NYC. Lizzie & D have a fight & he leaves for London before she realises she is pregnant.

I haven't found it by searching JAFF; but I know I've read it several times. It's one of my favorites.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

OOO...I want to read that story too, Sara. Anyone? Anyone?

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

perhaps Art & Allurement by Allegretto/Laura?

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

No, I like that one too, but it's not the one I'm thinking of.


Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Sara Barron
Help! I'm looking for a modern story: Lizzie is American; Darcy is a Britsh business mogul & Mrs. Bennett owns an art gallery in NYC. Lizzie & D have a fight & he leaves for London before she realises she is pregnant.

I haven't found it by searching JAFF; but I know I've read it several times. It's one of my favorites.

Sara, could it be I Thank You, No by Devon? I don´t know if it is available anymore on the web, but it was completed on Firthness.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Unfortunately Devon withdrew her stories from Firthness where she used to be one of the exclusive authors. So, the stories are nowhere to be found on the net anymore. Such a shame, I loved her Regency P&P (forgot the title). Poor me, I didn't even have the chance to read "I Thank You, No" in its entirety before Devon had it pulled. So, I don't know about any pregnancy, but Mrs Bennet owned an art gallery in NYC, that's for sure.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Hi All!

I was wondering if anyone remembers a story on HG that was a WIP just before HG closed.

It was called " The Opera" or "At the Opera" and was a modern E&D story. Lizzy was a cantor for a church in Boston and Richard was a musical theater producer who discovered her. She was cast opposite the star William Darcy in Phantom of the Opera.

Does anyone know if this was ever posted anywhere else? Does anyone recall the author?

Thanks so much!

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Kslily23, The story you are looking for was tittled "At The Opera" by KMalkamaki. As far as I know it hasn't been reposted or restarted at any other site. Some one at another site did contact the writer but her RL is very busy. If I remember correctly she is in school. Hopefully in the future she will restart it again, I myself would like to read it. In the meantime their are some wonderful stories right here. Irene

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Thanks so much, Irene!

I love the stories here, too. I think I've read them all! I know I've read from every author. I lurk a lot and am so blessed that you all are so creative and share your creations with me (and everyone else)!

I just happened to think of this story the other day and wondered....

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Oh No!!
That must have been it. I found the page where it used to be and recognised the art image. I really hope Devon reports or publishes it.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Hey Renee,
Hoping for something to read. I am stranded at home in WV with 20+ inches of snow outside. Anything to post? I hope so! Thanks! Cindy

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Same here, honey! Well, I'm anxiously awaiting Malena's en Belen's...

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Are you snowed in too? Thanks for the reply. I'll continue to read recommendations. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Hi! Does anyone know the name of the story where Darcy and Elizabeth are married but he is afraid of intimacy because he doesnt want her to get pregnant or something like that? Thanks!

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

I'm looking for a story about Darcy meeting Elizabeth in London about a year after the proposal. She is a companion to an older lady. She's been to Italy and she has cut her hair. I think they meet at the Opera. Also, he lives near her and helps her with her dogs.

That's all I can remember.


Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Victoria Salvucci
I'm looking for a story about Darcy meeting Elizabeth in London about a year after the proposal. She is a companion to an older lady. She's been to Italy and she has cut her hair. I think they meet at the Opera. Also, he lives near her and helps her with her dogs.

That's all I can remember.


I think it is "The Improvement of her mind" by Ayden. Here is the URL from where it is downloadable.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Victoria, I think that is the wonderful "The Improvement of Her Mind" by Ayden. I love all work Ayden's works, but that is a favorite of mine.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Thank you both so much! That's it! Ah, I love this story!

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?


I'm looking for a story called Pemberley's Promise. Darcy & Elizabeth are on a ship which is headed to America. The author is Kara Louise and the book has been published, but since I should order it from America and I live in Europe and I don't have a credit card I wonder if it is still available on any of the fan fiction sites for free?


Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?


I'm looking for a story called Pemberley's Promise.

I looked for it recently myself and I did not find it anywhere except to buy or download.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Oh... that's a shame.

And I just realized that the notion that I'm from Europe doesn't make any sense, because I can order it via our Amazon as well. :) But still.. the card, the card. **** it, what 27 year old doesn't have a credit card in today's world?

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

You are probably much better off not having a credit card! They sell temporary cards here in the States that one can buy with a certain amount on it. It is like a gift certificate, but I am told they work like credit cards. Maybe that would work (if they sell them where you are, that is)

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

No, I don't think they do. It doesn't really matter, I normally prefer not to have it, because I like my money to be withdrawn from my account immediately and not with a delay, so the usual bank card is sufficient, even when 'm travelling - it's actually less expensive as well, for both paying and using ATM machine, but of course I cannot buy anything online with it.

Never mind,I'm off topic. :)

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

I agree about the bankcard.If I don't have the cash in the bank,I don't buy it. But anyway, Pemberly's Promise is an awesome book. I think I used my bankcard to buy it threw Amazon. You should try it, it is definitely worth it. I read it when I take airplane trips.It's a great read. Good Luck.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

I'm looking for a modern story. Somewhere near the end Darcy is in legal trouble because he signed some business papers without reading-because he has some situation with E. After everything is cleared out he is asked what has he done with girlfriend who caused his absent-mindedness and he answers: "I merried her ofcourse".
Does anyone know this story?

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

I'm looking for a modern story. Somewhere near the end Darcy is in legal trouble because he signed some business papers without reading-because he has some situation with E. After everything is cleared out he is asked what has he done with girlfriend who caused his absent-mindedness and he answers: "I merried her ofcourse".
Does anyone know this story?

I think it's No Strings Attached by Sarapencil.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Carol, thank you so much! That's the story I was looking for!!! Ahh, I love it!

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Hi. Does anyone know where i could find shelley's "Half such a sum"? I've been looking everywhere, and i'm dying to read it, have heard many great things about it. if anyone has a copy saved or has shelley's website/email, i'd be really grateful.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Looked it up on JAFF (a wonderful tool for searching!)and it appears to have been removed from any posting. Shelby does have another story posted at Bloom and Quill.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Yep. It is Gone with The Hyacinths

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

I am always lookin for new sites for stories on P&P can you tell me what the Bloom and Quill is?? Also...does anybody know of a story where Elizabeth and Darcy (I think )are in an arranged marriage and they don't confess their love for eachother until he is out helping with a fire and she waits for his return and he sees her lookin at him threw the upstairs window? Dose this make sense to anyone???? Thank you!

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

I can't seem to load at all. Is any one else having problem with it since yesterday? I get a message saying it is not a valid URL. Help!

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Anita Bhat
I can't seem to load at all. Is any one else having problem with it since yesterday? I get a message saying it is not a valid URL. Help!

Got the same message. No idea what's wrong.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

I just heard that they know about the problems and hopefully it will be working again soon.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

I am always lookin for new sites for stories on P&P can you tell me what the Bloom and Quill is?? Also...does anybody know of a story where Elizabeth and Darcy (I think )are in an arranged marriage and they don't confess their love for eachother until he is out helping with a fire and she waits for his return and he sees her lookin at him threw the upstairs window? Dose this make sense to anyone???? Thank you!

The Bloom and Quill is "...a site devoted to creative expression in all forms: fiction, prose, poetry, graphic art, song, video, etc." It is password protected so you will need to create an account to get access.

I think that the story you are looking for is Abigail Reynolds "The Rule of Reason". She has published it and it is no longer available online.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Thank you so much Mimi......I think I have that printed out, I have been racking my brain to remember. Is Bloom and Quill just for all different stories or is it for P&P? Thanks for your help.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

I think the Bloom and Quill is for Austen/Gaskell/any other kind of fiction or fanfiction.

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

I'm actually trying to find a one shot where Elizabeth purchases a perfume which makes Darcy go all, lol, steamy? Its really cute, please help anyone!

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

On that note, I would love to re-read the story where Lizzy disguises herself as an older woman and makes cigars for gentleman...including Darcy. Any ideas what this might be?

Re: Have an urgent question about ff stories, ff sites, ff authors...?

Love that story too and you can find it at DWG. "Disguise of Every Sort," by Susan B. Enjoy!!!!

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