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Re: Jan H - The Child

Love that they are to share a bed. Poor Darcy. LOLOL

I do like that they are at least behaving better towards one another-- and that he defends her.

Looking fwd to the next posting!

Re: Jan H - The Child

I have thoroughly enjoyed the last chapters. Your writing in 1st person is very good. It really gives readers the opportunity to read this enigmatic man's mind.Also, you have approached the subject of the marriage in name only, which is otherwise quite repetitive, in a brand new way. Very refreshing. But then again, you have always given perfectly lovely stories. Cant wait for next chapter. Thanks

Re: Jan H - The Child

Caroline being so quiet and benign after Elizabeth left the room is quite out of character for her.

I'm hoping we'll find out what's wrong with Mr. Bennet soon, especially as he's pulled D&E back to Meryton. I was looking forward to them settling into Pemberley, finding a routine, and getting more comfortable with each other.

Toss the pillow, Darcy!

Re: Jan H - The Child

I can't wait to see how they awake in the morning?


Re: Jan H - The Child

Thank you, everyone! Some of your comments made me laugh out loud. Several of you mentioned a Hunsford scene in Darcy's future, and I certainly wouldn't rule that out. Right now, though, he's happy, so I'll let him enjoy it.

Re: Jan H - The Child

My dears, I'm a bit late. Switched to iMac recently and didn't have Office yet. Now I do, and the first thing I did was posting Jan's new installment. Enjoy!

Chapter 10

Re: Jan H - The Child

Jan H- what a great story I love it!! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Another great chapter Jan, the barriers are starting to break down.

Re: Jan H - The Child

“There now, does my state of undress meet with your approval?”

One more touch—” Taking her hand, she mussed my hair, causing it to fall across my forehead, and then she laughed. “Now, the servants will see that we are both, indeed, in need of assistance, and all will appear natural between us.”
This whole sequence just made me laugh...And then...the final touch...the pillow thrown on the chaise! It seems that working together to put up such a front for the Bingleys has served them well. They actually work quite well together! Nice way to start the day!

By the time I got to the superior sisters going over the stile I was almost rolling on the floor! Caroline wanting Darcy’s assistance…Louisa squealing...all the talking and noise! I’m sure the guys were ready for some target practice on some feathers of a different kind!

Stooping down to her level, I attempted to speak in a softer tone. “There now, do not cry. All is well.”

I stared in unbelief as she held out her little arms to me. “Up, man,” she sobbed.

Rather surprised that she did not even know my name,
Why should she know your have made it quite clear you want nothing to do with her. Children are quit sensitive. They know who wants them and who doesn't.
And I can just see this scene...Darcy trying to talk logic to a small child. He says 'aunt' she says 'mama'...he says 'aunt' she says 'mama'! Wonder if that logic thing worked with Georgiana at that age?

“One cannot blame her for searching out the strongest reminder of you.”
OMG...was that a hint for the child? Wow!! Impressive Darcy...most impressive!

“It is just that I never thought to hear any child call you Mamá but mine.”
Gee...I wonder if he will ever refer to his own children by their names...I don't think I've ever heard him refer to Fan by any name other than 'the child!' What did this child ever do to him? He had better get over blaming Fan for Wickham's deeds soon...or he will never have a happy home.

To this, Elizabeth turned and faced me. “What is this? You find some of my connections worthy?” With a smile, she turned toward Bingley and raised her eyebrows, while he simply laughed.

Excellent! He so deserved that!

These two are taking such small steps. And I can't wait to see what Caroline will try next! She is such a twit! She has no shame or pride at all...she's going after another woman's husband for goodness sake!! Isn't there a name for women like that?

Oh Jan...I'm loving this story so much and can't wait for more!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Jan! You make monday a happy day. Thank you very very much!
I like the way Darcy is softening to the girl.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Yes, yes, a softening Darcy. I'm glad he thought thru
his idea about being in the bedroom with Lizzy and she took the matter in hand.

Darcy and Fan, she wanted to be conforted and Lizzy scent does it for her and Darcy too.


Re: Jan H - The Child

A most satisfying chapter

I certainly hope that Lizzy will show more appreciation to Darcy now he's beginning to warm up to her family. So glad to see ODC are doing their best to put up a perfect marriage, and enjoying themselves in the process

The little scene betw Fan and Darcy was quite endearing. If only Elizabeth has witnessed it.

Thanks for the story, Jan! Look forward to the next weekend

Re: Jan H - The Child

It seems that both Elizabeth and Darcy are trying to get along; whether subconciously or not, it's a moot point. At least it is a beginning. They do work well; hopefully they'll realize it sooner rather than later.

For some reason, and some might not agree w/ me, I feel Darcy is right. Fan should call Elizabeth "Aunt", though I do understand Fan only knows one mother and that is Elizabeth. Nevertheless, I think Fan should be aware that Lydia was her mother thus honoring L's memory, honoring the woman that gave her birth. It was very amusing how Darcy and Fan were going back a forth w/ "Mamma" and "Aunt Elizabeth".

Darcy's scene w/ Fan was sweet. Maybe Elizabeth should go away more often and give them time to know each other. If E is not there to distract Fan, perhaps she will start feeling more comfortable w/ Darcy. Fan just needs/wants love and guidance. Darcy should start calling her Fan instead of "the child" and maybe Fan will start calling "Uncle Fitz" or something similar. They have something in common: their love for Elizabeth...and that might be the catalyst that helps the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

As always Jan, wonderful chapter but...I have a feeling this the calm before the storm.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Another excellent chapter. Thank you. Glad things are getting warmer everywhere, but I cannot help bracing myself for more angst in the near future, am I wrong?

Re: Jan H - The Child

The trip to Meryton seems to be doing both Elizabeth and Darcy some good.

Elizabeth's interactions with Darcy in the bedroom surprised me, she was relaxed and teasing in what Darcy thought would be an tense situation. Good for her!

Darcy with Fan surprised me, too. Even if he's a bit awkward, he's still gentle. Fan doesn't have a name for him ... yet. Let's see what she comes up with. I know what I'd like her to call him.

Can't help but hope that they get to a point where some their feelings can be openly expressed. So far, they're mainly going on impressions. Love how this is developing, Jan! Thanks for a great chapter.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Very lovely chapter.

thank you

Re: Jan H - The Child

Have just discovered your website from a hint on DWG, and look forward to reading lots more. Loved this last chapter of The Child - yes, hope Elizabeth does soften from Darcy's appreciation of the Gardiners.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Is it curmudgeonly of me to say I see Darcy's point of view about what Fan calls Elizabeth. There's no reason Darcy and Elizabeth can't act parental, but Fan is neither their adopted nor biological daughter, so wouldn't it be even odder if she did call them Mama and Papa? Won't they be telling her about her mother? Nothing wrong with being brought up by an aunt and uncle. Plus it gets complicated if she calls Elizabeth mama and doesn't call Darcy papa. Do you see what I mean? Why not transparency and honesty from the beginning?

Re: Jan H - The Child

Thank you, everyone, for all your comments! I'm glad you are enjoying a bit of fun as a break from all the angst. As to what Fan calls Darcy and Elizabeth, the child will probably make that decision. Never fear that Darcy's problems are over. Just like in real life, they always seem to be hovering around the corner.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Jan H
Thank you, everyone, for all your comments! I'm glad you are enjoying a bit of fun as a break from all the angst. As to what Fan calls Darcy and Elizabeth, the child will probably make that decision. Never fear that Darcy's problems are over. Just like in real life, they always seem to be hovering around the corner.

Or in the case of Wickham...slithering around the corner??!!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Jan H
As to what Fan calls Darcy and Elizabeth, the child will probably make that decision.

I am glad you take my view of it Parents and guardians can teach a child to say aunt and uncle, but the words that come more quickly to one so young as Fan are Mama and Papa (or Dada, depending upon the culture.) The role of mother and father are, I daresay, primal. Fan will have time to learn who Lydia was and who Darcy and Elizabeth are -- whatever the words she uses, I suspect the feelings she has for the roles and the way they play them, are not something that can be taught.

A rose by another name is still a rose.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Thank you for this wonderful story. I can't say I'm pleased with Darcy's behavior at the moment. He is being very insensitive towards Lizzy's and Fan's feelings. And he doesn't even notice it. I absolutely understand our dear girl's insecurity and hesitancy. He told her he loves another woman - a woman he can't have. What is she supposed to think? That her husband is in love with a married lady? Or a woman of even lesser social status than herself? This Darcy really has no emotional intelligence. Typical male. And so very annoying. Lol.

I'm so happy because we will get a new chapter very soon. Just like all your stories, this is so much fun. By the way, congratulations on publishing An Arranged Marriage and The Journey. Very exciting news. I will definitely order my copies. Love those two stories.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Oh please, please, please let something happen between E and D while Fan is with the rest of the family. Even if it is something small. Thank you for this wonderful story.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Chapter eleven is up, my dears. Enjoy!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Well, I certainly feel sorry for Darcy, he is trying and it is taking a toll on him. But hopefully Lizzy will appreciate all his hard work, at least he got a kiss!

Even Maggie got a man!


Re: Jan H - The Child

Reaching forth, she placed her hand upon the pillow, and slowly I dared to place mine over hers. When she did not protest or attempt to withdraw her hand, I raised it to my lips.

“Happy Christmas, Elizabeth.”
“Happy Christmas, William,”
And that’s all it took to make him happy!

Mrs. Bennet waved her hand as though to dismiss her daughter. “Oh, well enough. He is not near as sick as he pretends to be.”
So…is he pretending to keep Lizzy around or is he truly sick? Interesting!

Had to chuckle…Caroline must spend Christmas Day with Mrs Bennet! LOL!

“What about Fan, Mamá?” Elizabeth said. “She remains at Longbourn. Will she not bother our father with her noise?”

“Oh, little Fan shall be well attended. Maggie is there to see to her, and you can come home with us afterwards to fetch her.

Oh dear…I don’t like the sounds of this! Wickham is still out there!

I echoed and then cast my eyes upon the child. “Well, young Fan, have you had a busy day?”
My gosh! No wonder Elizabeth was surprised and poor little Fan clung to her. He had never addressed her by her name before!

Well…that was a spoiled scene…I had to chuckle at Darcy on his knees to help Fan say her prayers and then he had to spoil it with
Typical of Wickham’s child!
Oh great...that's all he can see! Lord Darcy...take the blinders off!
“Mean man,” the child said between sobs.

“Maggie man.”

Oh No!!!!! Does this mean that she is talking about Maggie’s man being a mean man? Yikes Jan…I don’t like the sounds of this at all, especially since I am now, pretty sure that Maggie’s man is Wickham!!

Oh Jan, I just love your story! I have started doing a re-read on all of them. I'm lovin it!

Anxiously waiting for more even though I know it's probably gonna send me diving for a pillow behind the sofa! Thanks for another great post...and at least Darcy got a hand-hold and a kiss! I have a feeling he's gonna need them after Lizzy finds out what he has done!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Hi Jan,
Well, there is no way Wickham is going to be out of the picture. He thinks Darcy has cheated him out of money again. I hope his intentions are not to steal Fran (his own daughter) and put her up for ransom. But I have a bad feeling that he was the 'mean man' that Fran was refering to.

It is good to see Darcy and Elizabeth becoming closer yet it's rather ashame that their non-communication of their feelings puts them in an awkward situation. They both desire the same thing, yet neither knows.

I do feel for Darcy having to put up with Mrs. Bennet. It must be really embarrasing for Elizabeth to have her husband subject to such mascinations.
Wonderful chapter.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Hi Jan!
Good chapter. I was scared the nurse could be a man. That would have been really frightening!
And why the child does not want to pray? I am intrigued!
Thank you


Re: Jan H - The Child

Darcy seems to have a way with Fan now I'm also wondering if Maggie's man is Wickham. That will be most unfortunate indeed!

As for ODC, I'm so glad that Lizzy is taking the initiative to talk to Darcy. The poor guy, all the self-control is certainly doing him in. But the good night kiss is a good start hope as each night pass, they will be more comfortable to do a bit more

Thank you for this lovely chapter. You know Jan, I'm beginning to get quite jumpy now. All these blissful chapters are making me feel that some ominous event is lurking around the corner Still, I look forward to more

Re: Jan H - The Child

This may be putting a modern construct on a Regency story, but Lizzy -- unwittingly or not-- is being a bit of a tease. She does say that she knows "men have needs," but if so, shouldn't she be more aware of his distress?. Also, if she loves him as she implies, wouldn't she want more? Or, at least, try harder to assuage his pain. It doesn't seem that her reluctance is because she thinks he doesn't love her. She just seems "missish"!

I don't usually take the side of the man when it comes to consensual sex, and it may be that I see Darcy as more sympathetic because the story is told from his point of view. But this Elizabeth is either very naive, less sensitive than I thought, or ambivalent about what she wants.[I vote for-- and hope it's-- the last, ambivalence]. She pats the bed for him to sit down, she messes his hair, she wears a transparent lawn gown to bed, and she's sometimes flirtatious. Yet she's embarrassed and uncomfortable about a small kiss, showing relief when it's over. I'm confused.

Good story, Jan! I rarely write comments.

Re: Jan H - The Child

...She pats the bed for him to sit down, she messes his hair, she wears a transparent lawn gown to bed, and she's sometimes flirtatious. Yet she's embarrassed and uncomfortable about a small kiss, showing relief when it's over. I'm confused.
Good story, Jan! I rarely write comments.

When I read this segment I didn't so much take it as she was showing relief as much as she felt she made it over a barrier of sorts. Darcy is the one who quickly turned and walked out. Maybe at this time Elizabeth was willing to go further but with Darcy leaving the room we don't know. I am waiting for the next chapter to find out.

Re: Jan H - The Child

...She pats the bed for him to sit down, she messes his hair, she wears a transparent lawn gown to bed, and she's sometimes flirtatious. Yet she's embarrassed and uncomfortable about a small kiss, showing relief when it's over. I'm confused.
Good story, Jan! I rarely write comments.

When I read this segment I didn't so much take it as she was showing relief as much as she felt she made it over a barrier of sorts. Darcy is the one who quickly turned and walked out. Maybe at this time Elizabeth was willing to go further but with Darcy leaving the room we don't know. I am waiting for the next chapter to find out.

Good point, Teb. Since we only get his point of view, then it's his perception that she's relieved because it's unpleasant, rather than her being relieved that they broke the ice. I think he's as confused about her feelings as I am.

Re: Jan H - The Child

In this chapter and the last one, too, I've been getting the vibe that Elizabeth would like to jump Darcy's bones. I mean, the minute she walked in on him and little Fan after the incident in the closet, with him holding the kid -- well. Note that Elizabeth tells Fan Darcy is not a mean man.

And before that, Darcy gave his wife a very nice trinket which must inspire the warmth of gratitude -- and maybe something more? I would speculate that the reason Elizabeth is hanging back is because she is feeling too much rather than too little, and she is afraid of being head over heels about a man who says he is in love with another woman. Even when Elizabeth says she knows a man has needs, it sounds as if she may be discounting his attraction to her --because she has to see it -- as just a physical thing. Remember, she had thought he had a mistress, so she has some understanding of a man's physical needs.

Eventually, she knows the two of them will have to jump into the sack but she probably wants to protect her heart from loving him too much -- and perhaps even being a wild woman once she gets her hands on him. She probably thinks he wouldn't like that or would be repulsed by her ardor, as if she is behaving like some common girl who might his mistress. Naa, he wouldn't like that. So, she's trying to be cool.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Maggie man - Wickham? Darcy I want to ...I don't know what to do with you. Probably E would find a proper way to deal with you.

Jan, we are totally under your spell of writing.
Thank you.

Re: Jan H - The Child

It seems most of us are speculating that..
Maggie's Man = Wickham = Mean Man...
and if that is so, we are in for big trouble coming soon.

It did surprise me Darcy calling Fan by her name. That is a good beginning even thou he still sees her as "Wickham's child". Hopefully, Fan will win Darcy's heart soon thus winning Elizabeth's (tho I think he already has it). However, as long as E thinks Darcy loves another woman, I do not think she will open up/give herself completely to him.

Both have a lot to learn about COMMUNICATION.

But at least Darcy got a goodnight kiss.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Is Wickham the man? ? Will Lizzy give way and kisssssssssssss Darcy back soon? Poor man.
Thanks Jan for the story,

Re: Jan H - The Child

"Maggie man" I thought about Wickham as the man. Maggie would have had to seen him at Longbourn? I doubt W. had access to both Fan and Maggie anywhere else. Hope Elizabeth checks this out.

Darcy and Elizabeth are still circling each other, neither one knowing that they share the same feelings. However, the circle is getting smaller in circumference. They're sharing some small intimacies, including putting Fan to sleep. Very nice!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Oh my, speculation abounds! Thank you, Renee, Marina, Cindy, Irene, Sandy, Teb, China, Gio, Ophelia, Lacy, Vesna, Lili, Geri, and Lucy for your kind comments and allowing me to see what thoughts this chapter produced on your part. I won't answer all your questions, but I will clarify a little.

Sandy, Mr. Bennet is ill. Mrs. B just conveniently dismissed it so that she could spend Christmas day at Netherfield and push Jane and Bingles together.

China, your imagination is greater than mine to suspect that Maggie might be a man! Little Fan didn't want to pray because she wanted to talk about Maggie and the man, as much as a child that age can talk.

Ophelia, I can see how it looks like Elizabeth is teasing Darcy according to today's customs. In my mind, she doesn't realize what she's doing because she is quite innocent. Lacy is right in saying Elizabeth is protecting her heart. She's not sure about Darcy's feelings at all, and as someone said, why would she after he professed love for another woman?

Okay, that's enough. Back to filling the blank page!

Re: Jan H - The Child

I am glad Elizabeth is ready to start slowly becoming Darcy's wife. Thanks for the new chapters. It was lovely to see Fan warm up to Darcy until he raised his voice to her. I look forward to all three of the them forging a true family unit. Grand story, Jan!

Re: Jan H - The Child

And yet another lovely chapter of Jan's great story is awaiting you! Enjoy chapter 12 of The Child.

Re: Jan H - The Child

All the clues are there for Elizabeth and Darcy, but not expecting anything bad, they're missing them. Oh, sometimes it's frustrating to be the reader with a better perspective than the characters!

I hope this is a short week, waiting for next Sunday. Thanks, Jan!

Re: Jan H - The Child

OMG Jan! You are becoming the queen of cliffes! What a place to leave us! Lots going on and lots of emotions.

“By forcing us to share this suite of rooms. I think it has lessened the distance between us in this marriage of convenience, do you not?”

Isn’t that what it is...a marriage of convenience? As he told her...he loves someone who doesn’t love him so he just as well marry her. No passion, no affection...nothing more than convenience. You set the ground rules 'put on your big boy panties and deal with it!'

And you're wondering what could draw Wickham back to Hertfordshire? Darcy, Darcy, Darcy...are you that dense?!!! Killing you and then forcing Lizzy to marry him would give him lots of money! Or, he could kidnap Fan and threaten her to get your money! arrogant a**!!!! (Darcy is really getting my dander up)

Noooooooo! Maggie and Wickham have kidnapped Fan and Wickham has a gun that shoots distance! That must be why Maggie doesn’t want Elizabeth to check in on Fan...that’s probably why Mrs. Abernathy is sick and...that’s why she says they will be outside by the time Elizabeth wakes up in the morning...all to give them a really big headstart!
“Did not you find that conversation rather strange?” she said.

“I have always found that girl strange.”

Lizzy! Please check on Fan before you go to bed! Listen to your instincts!!!!
Of course, since it concerned Fan, Darcy probably never even paid any attention but then again, this Darcy is pretty dense!

Oh Good Grief! I really do wish Bingley would muzzle his sisters! He seems to be as oblivious to their behavior as Darcy is to Wickham's. What did they teach those men at university?

“And Rodgers,” I added, “do not heat the water,”

“Cold water, sir, in December?” He raised his eyebrows.

“Utterly cold.”

Hey Darcy...hope you like cold water because that's all you're going to need for a long, long time once Lizzy finds out what has happened! You’re the one that made sure Elizabeth knew this was a marriage of convenience! Good grief man...what did you expect?!

“Would you still deem me a good man if you knew all that I have done, Elizabeth?” I said aloud.

No, if Elizabeth ever learned that I had thrust Wickham upon her family, had approved, even conceived the idea that he should take the child from her, she would never forgive me. That fact I knew as surely as I knew my own name.

Oh yes...he had become that deceitful man who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted...he had become just like Wickham! He gave no thought to who he might hurt...only that he accomplish what he wanted!

How will Darcy truly react when Fan discovered to be missing? Will he care? Will he care that he is the reason? Will he ever be able to get himself out of this very deep pit he has dug for himself or will the walls cave in around him?

If one hair on Fan’s head is injured, I will tie his hands and legs and personally feed Wickham to a whole swarm of fire ants (do they have fire ants in England?) and tie Darcy to a chair in his very deep pit and throw his aunt Catherine and Mr. Collins in there with him!

Jan, you really know how to crank up the angst level! Yikes! We have to wait a whole week for more! Darcy’s arrogance is now coming back to bite him in the butt!

You know I love this story! I wouldn’t feel such emotions if I didn’t! Great writing Jan...I can’t wait to see how you manage to redeem Darcy in all of this!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Perhaps it is unfair of me, but I find myself increasingly irritated with Lizzy. It reminds of P&P when Elizabeth is at first charmed by Wickham and misses the holes in his story. So, I realize there is precedent. Here she so trusting of Maggie, despite the hints in the chapter before this one that based upon what Fan said, Maggie has a man who she has not mentioned to her employer. Now all those incidents in earlier chapters when Fan would turn up in the wrong place because Maggie was not watching her take on a different and less random hue -- has Wickham been tracking Darcy all this time and using Maggie as his eyes into the Darcy household?

And, in this chapter, Maggie almost comes right and announces she is going to kidnap Fan -- Don't look in on her in the evening and don't check her out in the morning -- come on, as the child's mother for all intents and purposes, Lizzy -- why are you not seeing red flags and hearing warning bells?

Is Maggie's last name Younge, by any chance?

You might wonder why I am not similarly irritated with Darcy for missing the same signs -- in fact, given that he is a more suspicious and critical type, shouldn't he have put two and two together by now? Maybe, but I am willing to give him a pass because his mind is so wrapped in one thing at the moment. Until he finally beds his wife, he may be not be operating at full capacity.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Wickham, a gun, Maggie and do not disturb Fan. A bad combination.


Re: Jan H - The Child

Wickham, a gun, Maggie and do not disturb Fan. A bad combination.


I totally agree with your speculation Irene ...and then add that it will put somewhat of a breach between Elizabeth and Darcy. Especially because it seems like Fan is #1 to Elizabeth. Poor Darcy is going to have to wait a long time for consumation.

Being a mother myself I don't know how Elizabeth can go to bed without looking in on Fan, with her being so young. It is just an automatic thing no matter what the lowly maid says, of course I'm not living in fanfiction either

Re: Jan H - The Child

Is Maggie making the head Nurse sick? She is going to steal the child isn't she and Wicky has a gun oh dear Darcy is in danger.

come on Sunday

Re: Jan H - The Child

I am guessing that poor Mr Wickham is just trying to fulfill what the infatuated Mr Darcy asked him at the beginning: to get rid of the child- in the hope of getting some funds from Mr Darcy which is all his intention in Austen's classic story. If this is so, then Mr Darcy is to blame for Elizabeth's misfortunes...again.

Re: Jan H - The Child

What a chapter!
Stolen gun is best used to kill the thief.
I hope that Darcy will be brave enough for very open conversation with E.
Rhetorical question: where is Fan?
Waiting for my Sunday evening.
Thank you Jan.

Re: Jan H - The Child

We all know trouble is coming soon. If Fan is missing, Lizzy and Darcy will get closer. But then afterwards, when and if Lizzy finds out about Darcy's original duplicity of trying to get Fan aways from the Bennets, I don't think Lizzy will be to forgive him. I do not see how they would be able to get past such deception. The only way I see this happening is if Darcy risks his life to save Fan, like being shot and nearly dying. That is the only way I see Elizabeth softening towards Darcy for all the damage he has caused. Many times, good intentions gets you into more trouble than helping.

I cannot wait till next post.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Lili Ch
Many times, good intentions gets you into more trouble than helping.

Like the proverb says:
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions!"

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