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Re: Jan H - The Child

Thanks, everyone! I'm sorry for the angst, but glad to see you're hanging in there with me. I love reading all your speculations. Some are much better than mine. Darcy truly has made a mess of things.

Mary, you need not worry about making more eloquent comments. I love any and all kind words. They provide such encouragement. And Sandy, I'm sorry you're having medical problems and hope they're cleared up soon. Elaine, I regret you had trouble finding where to post, but thank you for persevering.

I'll be gone over Easter, so look for an early post of Chapter Fifteen. Happy holiday weekend!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Jan H
I'll be gone over Easter, so look for an early post of Chapter Fifteen. Happy holiday weekend!

Early post...we can handle that definitely! It will feel like the Easter Bunny came by!

Happy Easter to you too, Jan!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Chapter 15 has just been posted, my dears. Enjoy!

Re: Jan H - The Child

I am so glad that Darcy confessed. It's something he needed to do. Faith is the other end of doubt.

Glad he got Fan back. Now what of Wickham? Did he go back to Meryton? Did he go back to the cottage only to fall in one of the holes and die?

I know Elizabeth will be full of joy to get Fan back, but how will she feel about Darcy? Does she have any hint of what he did? Did Wickham come back and tell her? Will Darcy spill and let it all out?

So many questions.

Great chapter Jan. I am so glad Darcy is learning something from all of this.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Confession is the best way to ease the soul, realize your mistakes and learn something about yourself. Now he has to confess everything to E.

Did Wickham somehow tell his "story" to Elizabeth so she did not write?

Fan said "Papa" and he melts down

Great chapter

Re: Jan H - The Child

I groaned inwardly. How did I know? Because I brought this situation about!

Oh Darcy….you have certainly made such a mess of things, haven’t you?

"Louisa and I shall remain, also," Hurst said. "She will be needed to see to Mrs. Darcy."
That surprised me, for I knew that Caroline and her sister had planned to return to Town. Hurst had shown unexpected character throughout this ordeal, and I found my estimation of him greatly altered.

What? Louisa is staying to help take care of Elizabeth? I can’t believe it! Maybe this is good that Darcy is seeing a side of others that he never thought to look for! I always love a good and sensible Hurst who won’t take any guff from Caroline!

I just knew that Darcy would end up talking to the elder curate Mr. Wynne.
In the light of His word, how would God judge the sins I had committed? I wanted to pray, to beg His forgiveness, but the words would not come. I did not feel worthy even to be in His presence.
Darcy is at last feeling all of his pretensions and superiority crashing down around him?

If only I had never sought out Wickham in the first place...if I had never inflicted him on Elizabeth's family...if I had never considered myself smarter and wiser than others, then little Fan might still be sleeping safely in her bed at Netherfield. How could I live with myself when I had brought harm to that innocent babe?
Wow…he called her Fan…and he actually thought of her as an ‘innocent babe’ and not Wickham’s child! This gave me such hope that he may be able to redeem himself, yet!

"Ah, there is no accounting for a woman's heart. God, in His infinite wisdom, has given it more tenderness than a man's. You must pray for the courage to confess all to her and beg her forgiveness, and I shall pray that she will."
And that is all he can hope for, isn’t it? He and Elizabeth were beginning to become more comfortable with each other but he has had this dark secret hanging over them and he continued to blame an innocent child for being born. Oh how the mighty will fall!

Stooping low, I held out my arms. "Fan, shall you come to me?"
She hesitated but a moment and then ran into my arms. "Up, man," she demanded, and I obliged her request, my heart offering prayers of thanksgiving as I felt her chubby little arms encircle my neck.
Well…I hope you know that I had to stop reading because I couldn’t see the words from all the tears!

She peered into my eyes. "Mamá?"
"Yes, we will see Mamá soon. I promise."

"Mamá?" she asked again.
"Soon," I said, pulling her close to my heart.
He didn’t correct her! Now I’m really crying!!!!

She reached up and patted my cheek. "Love Papá, too."
And at that moment, I lost my heart for the second time.
OK…that’s it! I might as well just spend the rest of the day sniffling and sobbing!

Oh Jan this was such an emotional chapter. Full of the promise of redemption and forgiveness and the love of an innocent child!

But, but, but…where is Wickham? Did he think he could hurt Darcy worse by turning Elizabeth against him? I’m really hoping he is face down in the gutter somewhere or fallen in one of the pits in the woods, never to bother anyone again!

I can imagine all sorts of reasons why Elizabeth would move back to Longbourn, to get away from the Bingley sisters for one thing, but I can’t come up with any reason for her to 'not' write to Darcy…except Wickham!

I’m so glad you posted again before Easter…at least we can all rejoice that Fan is alive and well…I just dread what is waiting at the end of the journey.

This continues to be one of my favorite stories and I delight in each new chapter. Please post again soon, Jan!
Happy Easter!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Is the reason Wickham not been in touch with Darcy yet regarding the ransom that he has hightailed it back to Longbourn for a confab with Elizabeth? Could it be that he believes that if he discloses Darcy's original plan--namely, have Wickham take Fan off their hands to clean up the Bennet family reputation -- that Elizabeth will be so incensed that she will now leave Darcy for Wickham? It may seem crazy to us readers that Wickham would be so deluded as to think he could pull that off, but then again -- she considered marrying Wickham for Fan's sake. Wickham may imagine she would be so upset with Darcy for trying to get rid of Fan that she would partner up with him to take the ransom money and the child? Wickham could hit her weak spot by telling her she cannot trust Fan’s interests to Darcy. If Wickham could pull this off, it would be the ultimate sting of Darcy.

I would feel confident about the failure of such scheming except that Elizabeth has not written to Darcy. He has written her such sweet letters everyday. And it seemed that they had been getting along quite nicely. And, why has Elizabeth moved back to Longbourn? Is she is trying to put distance between her and Darcy? Will Wickham tell her the truth that Darcy should already have spilled? Will it make Elizabeth think Darcy is just waiting for a chance to ship Fan off to school? I think we saw Elizabeth starting to have deep feelings for Darcy, but if Wickham sets it up as a Sophie’s Choice, I think she’ll choose to protect her child first over sticking with a man she does not think loves her.

Re: Jan H - The Child

I really needed my tissues, what with Darcy's confession to the Vicar and Fan teling him she 'loves Papa too'.

But where, oh where is Wickham? Has he hi-tailed it back to Meryton to tell Lizzy the truth?

Enjoy your seaside adventure!


Re: Jan H - The Child

Oh, thank Providence! I was so worried when Darcy thought on Maggie's incompetence and wondered if Fan could've actually been dead. Ugh, it gives me stones in my stomach just thinking about it! Of course, we can always count on Wickham to ruin everything. I know he's a bad guy, but to kill, even indirectly, a child- his own child, nonetheless- is just beyond disgusting and vile. I hope he is drawn and quartered, or perhaps just maimed and forced to live in destitute for his longevity. Thanks for updating! I'm so relieved she's been found!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Finally Fan was found! :) Love the last bit when she called Darcy Papa and he melted. I melted too :)

So glad that Darcy finally relieve his burden to the old curate ... now he has all the encouragement to confess to Lizzy. Her not returning his letters..hmm..i hope Wickham didn't return to Hertfordshire and told her what Darcy had done.

Look forward to the family reunion! And of course, Darcy's confession
Happy Easter!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I know it is just a story, so why am I crying all over the room????????

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful..........

Thank you!

Re: Jan H - The Child

HOw heart breaking was Darcy crushing confession. Totally surprised by the how Fanny was found. Now why do I think that Wicky has been working on Lizzy during her lack of correspondance.

Jan I'm loving your story.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Two new chapters since I've last read! Jan, you are amazingly quick with your updates.

I absolutely agree with many of the other posters that Darcy needs to be honest with Elizabeth. Although, after reading that she didn't return any of his letters, I'm wondering if it's too late and she already knows. I guess time will tell! I am thrilled, though, that Darcy was able to find Fan unharmed. It's also nice to see him lose his heart a second time around.

Jan, you said there are dark times ahead, and until D & E are honest with each other, I have no doubt of that. However, I'm just extremely content that Fan is well, and am looking forward to the journey of patching their marriage! Thanks for another two wonderful chapters, and thanks also for the kind comments! It's wonderful to be back.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Hi Jan
Enjoying your story so much that I had to comment.

But..but.. I am so worried about Elizabeth. Why won't she respond to Darcy's letters? Surely she must be anxious in hearing any news about Fan. This is speculation on my part but what if Wickham has now kidnapped Elizabeth? What if this was his plan all along - to get Darcy away from Elizabeth by distracting him with finding the child?

Wickham may think that Darcy will pay a higher ransom for Elizabeth rather than Fan. Wickham could have tricked Elizabeth into going with him with the promise of handing Fan over.

I hope this is only my overactive imagination and nothing more. Can't wait till your next post!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Chapter 17 is up, my dears. And what a chapter it is! Mrs Darcy is thrilled.

Re: Jan H - The Child

They finally found their forgiveness!


Re: Jan H - The Child

Yes, Yes, and as long as I get to read it! At last they have come together! She loves him and he knows it! YAY!

Thank you! Thank you!

Re: Jan H - The Child

I think we all expected (hoped!) that they would reach a moment of accord, and it seems so close now it almost feels as if it has happened. But as we end the chapter, they're still in separate bedrooms. To be continued at Pemberley! Poor Darcy, I really wish for his sake that Elizabeth had been willing to, eh, spend a little more time in his bedroom at Netherfield now that he has his strength back.

But I get it. She has a legitimate gripe against him and his being injured doesn't wipe that slate clean. She's too smart and self-possessed to simply fall into his arms and say it's all forgiven. As eager as I am to see them deliriously happy together (I don't know if Jan plans to give us a moment like that?), I would respect Elizabeth less if she could so quickly shrug off the past simply because he says I love you. Too much other stuff, just like at Hunsford.

I also like how Darcy is shown NOT milking her sympathy for all it's worth. He must have liked lying in bed and having her read to him and be at his beck and call. But that's not the life he wants with her, and he demands that they face their issues head-on. I love this Darcy for that.

And, Fan, too --I love the way she fits into this. Kids often do offer their love easily and completely, and sometimes even to parents who abuse them. Elizabeth questions Darcy's intentions toward Fan, as she should. To his credit, it seems never to occur to him to use Fan's new affection for him as a way to manipulate Mama. Everything he feels for Fan is honest and true, no attempt to win Elizabeth by suddenly being a good father to the child she loves. He is just being a good father because that's who is.

Re: Jan H - The Child

I smiled sadly. "I said I loved a woman who did not return my love-the one truth I uttered among all my lies. That woman is you, Elizabeth, always only you."

at long last!!! was it really so hard to say?

but, oh so sweet a chapter *__* I'm sorry I can't find better words, but they are so right for each other!

I will have to find something very exciting to keep me busy this week, I really can't wait to read what's next!

Re: Jan H - The Child

As eager as I am to see them deliriously happy together (I don't know if Jan plans to give us a moment like that?),

I am positive I speak for everyone here when I say YES JAN! PLEEEEEASE!

I would respect Elizabeth less if she could so quickly shrug off the past simply because he says I love you.

I honestly would have been disappointed if it happened like that, after all we've read before...

I love this Darcy for that.

the fact that he is hot and rich doesn't hurt either
(couldn't stop myself sorry )

Re: Jan H - The Child



Re: Jan H - The Child

De-lurking to say how thrilled I am to be reading another exceptionally wonderful story by Jan H! Your style is unique and captivating: I am particularly pleased to be reading this story from Darcy's point of view. From the comments, it is clear that your writing talents are bringing joy to many, but I wanted in particular to add my own: Thank you!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Oh, Darcy, you've learned how to set aside your pride and begin anew. So has Elizabeth, both of them confessing what we knew all along, that they loved each other. So Wonderful! Jan, your Darcys are so beautifully human, love their flaws along with their charm.

On to Pemberley, please!

Re: Jan H - The Child

I think you're stories are so wonderful-thanks for the hours of entertainment. You are a gifted story teller-Mary

Re: Jan H - The Child

Poor Mr Wickham!To break his crown in manner of Jack and Jill! And poor Mr Darcy! For ever tied to make love only at Pemberley!LOL
Thank you for a lovely chapter. I hope you already have some other story just as entertaining.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Yay! Ding Dong the Wick is dead!! He was such an inhuman being I can’t feel a bit sorry for his death only rejoice that he can’t hurt Elizabeth or Fan again!

“His parents died some time back,” I said softly. Wickham had no one...other than the child he did not want.”
What a sad ending. Darcy’s father had such high hopes for him and look how he ended up.

Seeing the child had done me great good like a medicine. I had not realized how hungry I was to view her sparkling brown eyes and hear the infectious giggles that erupted quite frequently. And when she called me Papá, it warmed my heart as much as it had upon hearing it for the first time.
I can’t get over how Darcy has changed toward Fan. So different from when he first met her.

“I will tell you when I have done enough.”
Actually, by the time he had gotten to this part, I was hoping he would get sick. This sounded so much like his aunt Catherine I wanted to smack him. If he has any hope of ever having a happy marriage, he needs to stop the proclamations and begin to work as a couple for the good of both.

“I do not pity you. When I learned that you and Wickham had conspired together, I—I tried to hate you, William!” A sob escaped her, and she placed her fist to her lips. “But I could not. For all your false actions, I could not hate you.”

I held my breath. I had come closer to losing her than I feared.

Yes you did…you conspired with the devil and almost lost the one thing you valued most! Elizabeth truly did have 2 children on her hands and she still does to a certain extent. Darcy’s lies and half-truths have made the whole situation very confusing for Elizabeth. She doesn’t know what to believe.

I suspect that Darcy will still have a lot of ground to make up and I can’t even imagine what will happen with his own family or even those of Caroline Bingley’s ilk. Darcy needs to learn to share everything with Elizabeth and to lose some of his aunt Catherine’s personality. They have a long trip to will be interesting to see how they manage once they are there.

You have given us such a flawed Darcy...more so than most. Disguise has been his constant companion rather than an abhorrence and his own pride and vanity have allowed him to make decisions for people he had no right to make. Elizabeth fell in love with him before she found out about his conspiring with Wickham. When she married Darcy, all she knew was that the one person who loved her was Fan and Darcy’s dealings with Wickham almost lost her Fan. She is right…perhaps they can start over at Pemberley, removed from the lies and the heartbreak that has surrounded them at Netherfield. Fan loves her Mama and her Papa…maybe they can truly become a family.

I really love this story Jan as I love all your stories and can’t wait for more to see how our little family is faring!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Oh, how I LOVED this chapter! The scenes with Darcy and Fan are absolutely heartwarming. And I am so glad that our dear couple finally declared their love to each other. Thank you so much.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Thank you, everyone, for all the kind comments. And thank you, Kathryn Ann, for de-lurking! It's always extra pleasing when a new reader speaks up. I can safely say that all cliffies are over because the next chapter is the last.

See you Sunday.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Ahh...finally! :) I do agree wholeheartedly that ODC should start anew at Pemberley. I wonder if what Darcy had done is ever made known to Bingley??

Anyway, a very beautiful chapter, brought tears to my eyes when Lizzy finally declared her love :)

Yay for no more cliffies! But I'm sad that next chapter will be the last. Look forward!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Thanks for the new chapters, Jan! I loved the transition from Elizabeth's anger to love. I agree that they should start anew when they get home. I am glad Fan is acting as if she is happy and secure and no longer acting out. The DArcy family should be a happy one!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Jan, I love your story and wait for the new chapter impatiently every week! Therefore I'm a little upset that the next chapter will be the last... I hope to read more about Lizzy and Darcy's life after they made amends.
Well, all I can do is to be thankful for this wonderful story and wait for you posting a new one!

Re: Jan H - The Child


I found this wonderful story last night and have read it straight through. It has recognizable elements from some of your others. I count myself lucky in my timing, being able to read it from beginning to end nearly without a break.

Thank you!


Re: Jan H - The Child

Re: Jan H - The Child

I am sooooo sad it's over! I anticipated the new chapters every week, refreshing my screen repeatedly for hours on posting days. I should say thank you and praise you Jan for a job well done but all I can find in my heart to say is waaaaaaah! I can't even beg for an epilogue since that was too perfect. Maybe a sequel? Hehe.

Re: Jan H - The Child

It is so beautiful, the beginning, the middle, and the end! Thank you, Jan, for this wonderful story. We suffered thru some angst but it is all worth it to see ODC so happy in their marriage. I like that Lizzy's persistence paid off eventually with Lady C's visit to Pemberley and her interaction with Fan :)

Look forward to more stories from you, Jan!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Jan, I am sad that the end has come. This story, as all of your stories, are so well written. I've enjoyed this story and will be reading over and over again in the future.


Re: Jan H - The Child

A most fitting end to a lovely love story! I like how you close out everyone's story, including Lady C and Caroline. Darcy's determination and generosity is matched by Elizabeth's patience and kindness. With parents like this, the child had little chance to grow up to be anything other than delightful. Nurture making the best of nature.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Jan, Thank you so much for the beautiful ending to your story. Sometimes the story mad me cry, be angry and laugh, and that's a good thing.


Re: Jan H - The Child

I very much enjoyed reading this story Jan.

Glad it all worked out well.
I really like how Darcy excepted and loved Fan as his own in the end & that there will be no retaliation on Wickhams part is an extra bonus.

It all came together beautifully, thanks for the good read!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Fitzwilliam Darcy and the killing of the pillow
at least it was for the best of the causes! That scene, it was just perfect! so sweet and yet entertaining (trust Elizabeth to make someone laugh at the oddest moments )
and a great metaphor too of how they managed to overcome the wall of misunderstandings they had built.

as for the rest of the chapter, simply the perfect ending to a wonderful story. I really enjoyed it, so Jan, thank you very much for sharing

Re: Jan H - The Child

It was so beautiful, perfect...Jan thank you for the one more of your stories which must be reread.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Wow…listening to Darcy talk about Fan and her nightmares after Wickham, and how she behaved in spite of all the strange places they stopped at…such a difference from this trip and the one to London and back to Netherfield.

It was far too late for a long working session that night, and I had travelled on too great a journey of my own to slip back into my old ways. I bounded up the stairs two at a time until I reached the nursery floor just in time to hear Fan’s plaintive little voice.

“Where Papá?”
“He is here,” I announced, striding through the door.
This just melted my heart! What a wonderful scene…yes…he had come a long way! And putting his ‘family’ first was such a big step!

Was I not the only one who had been less than truthful when I proposed at Longbourn? I recalled that she had spoken little. Her uppermost concern had been that Fan would have a home with us. Otherwise, she simply asked the reason I wished to marry her, and if someone else lived in my heart. Had she remained silent to hide her feelings? Could it be that she loved me even then?

Of course she hid her feelings. He didn’t tell her he loved her when he asked her to marry him at Longbourn…he just said
“The woman I love does not love me, Miss Bennet, so you see, I forfeit nothing.”
“As I said, my love remains unrequited, so no impediment exists to bar our marriage.”

Through Elizabeth’s shame and disgrace of her family, those were words that said the opposite. She had to hide her feelings to protect her own heart. These two had been at cross-purposes for so long!

“I feel like a bride.”

“And this our wedding night?”
In spite of how long it took them to get there, it’s fitting that their wedding night should happen at Pemberley.

Their banter when he found her in his bed was delightful! And when he saw the pillow and told her
“You have disturbed my sleep for years, and there is not a pillow made that can solve the problem.”
And then he threw the pillow out the window and later threatened to ‘drown’ it! I was howling with laughter. I could see this entire scene as it happened! Wonderful visual!

I wasn’t surprised at Caroline Bingley not marrying. Someone with that much spite and bitterness really does take on the hard and drawn features to match their personality. I can’t imagine anyone who could live with her.

Lady Catherine is the one who really surprised me, too. Getting to know Fan and helping her with her art…and telling Elizabeth that Wickham’s mother also had artistic talent which she rarely used. But the part I really had to laugh at was
“That is the nearest thing to praise I will ever hear from Lady Catherine,” Elizabeth said.

“It sounded more like a warning to me.”

“What do you mean?”

“‘When I return, I will examine her again,’” I said in a mocking voice. “Elizabeth, she is coming back!”

Somehow, I don’t think they really mind! Darcy was so much like his aunt…haughty, proud, overbearing! She could have gone on to become a lonely, bitter old woman much like Caroline Bingley…but she, like Darcy, became a better person…and it was all because of ‘the child’.

Fan truly became Darcy’s daughter…from the moment she first called him Papa! And I laughed when, like a typical Papa…he panicked when he had to give her away and vowed the man she was to marry wasn’t good enough for her!

But most of all…I truly enjoyed the final scene when Darcy admitted that he sometimes was ill-tempered on purpose! What a long journey these two have been on to get to this wonderful place of love and family. Whether Darcy realizes it or not…Elizabeth was right…it all did seem to be by accident…they might never have gotten together if it hadn’t been for ‘the child’.

Your stories always give me such a wonderful array of emotions and this one is no different! I enjoyed every bit of it and it is another one I will re-read again and again! It's such a beautiful love story...but not just love between a man and a woman...but love of family and the love for a child.
Stories like this are also my escape into the world of early 19th century England and with my favorite couple!

Thank you so much Jan…now…when is the next one?!

Re: Jan H - The Child

A beautiful ending and epilogue, Jan. In reviewing their marriage and children, they both seem to forget that Elizabeth was not the mother who bore Fan. And, of course, Darcy was as much her papa as Elizabeth was her mama. Thank you for another one of your satisfying stories!


Re: Jan H - The Child

Jan H: Thank you, thank you for another brilliant, well constructed and engaging tale. You have a lovely talent, and we are all in your debt for sharing it with us!

Re: Jan H - The Child

To travel along with Darcy as he tells his story, as we hear his words, feel his feelings, has kept me entranced. All my thanks for giving us this wonderful story!

And, I'm looking forward to your books being published!

Re: Jan H - The Child

Lovely wedding night. It has always been a trade mark of yours to leave your readers with a sweet last image rather than a heated one, and for that I admire your writing skills even more. It is very difficult to convey such sweetness where ladies generally expect more action and still leave your audience absolutely satisfied.

Also, you have successfully provided entertainment at very regular intervals, which allowed us readers to count on finding a new delightful chapter every Monday morning, a great way to begin Mondays. Hats off for that too.
Thank you again and again. Love your stories. Please never park your plume.

Re: Jan H - The Child

Hi Jan. I HEART this story! Wonderful job using Darcy in the first person. I will now miss reading your chapters every Monday. Hope there are more wonderful stories ahead for us. KC

Re: Jan H - The Child

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, Jan! Thank you so much for another great story! I hope you have some ideas for more.


Re: Jan H - The Child

Jan, you did it again. What a wonderful, complex, surprising, and suspenseful story! Thank you for sharing your creativity and writing prowess with us!!

Re: Jan H - The Child

"You have done more than I expected with the child," Lady Catherine said before she prepared to board her barouche. "When I return, I will examine her again. Do not disappoint me."

Tears actually came into my eyes at this. It's a strange thing to say about a story that is chiefly Darcy/Elizabeth but this... snippet of Catherine and Fan was, to me, the 'heart' of the story.

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