Liberty Bell Chapter #266

Religious, Political or Offensive messages WILL BE REMOVED

Liberty Bell Chapter #266
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Happy Labor Day to all - hope it is a restful one for you all, especially those with children that (finally) have to return to school.
Wanted to share the video that I made several years ago - to refresh your memories: I was awarded a National Education Foundation Grant through the Michael Jordan Foundation back when I taught at Douglas H. S. It was part of the "Education and Awareness Program of Vietnam Veterans" (that was put on my beautiful jacket that was given to me by you). Several members (and sad to say, some who are no longer with us are in the video) had been coming to the school with my students/assemblies/seminars etc. So I created a video of the interactions. I would love to request a time to view it - perhaps a little at a time at each Chapter meeting -- but want to know two things: 1. Would any of the members that were in the video (and they know who they are) NOT want me to share it; and 2. Is there a general interest in showing it?
Though the technical aspects of it are somewhat unprofessional (I am not website Sandy), the messages are very worth sharing. If you can respond to me through this forum, I would appreciate it. Then I will approach the Board with this request. Many thanks.

Re: video

I, for one, would love to see it.