Cast your vote!

Hail Artisans! Hearing your opinions about The Odyssey really does make a difference to it and makes it more the way you want it. So have your say and have a creative day.

What section would you like to see prioritised in the rebuild?
The Gallery
The Library
The Comics Section
The Music Section
The Well Of Creation (inspiration and tips)
The Members Area
The Links/Webrings

What do you think of the new layout/design?
It's great!
It's easier to veiw/navigate.
It's okay.
I don't like it.
It's harder to view/navigate.
I liked The Odyssey the way it was before. Change it back! NOW!

Are you an Artist (creator) ?
Yes! I'm a proffessional.
Yes, I'm trying to become proffessional... and it's hard work. *sigh*
Yes, I'm a student studying some artistic form.
Yes, but it's only a hobby.
No. I can't do it. WAHHH!
No, I just like looking.
NO WAY. I HATE Art. I hate you!

How on earth did you find The Odyssey?
A friend told me about it.
I followed a link from Elfwood.
I followed a link from Deviantart.
I followed a link from another online gallery.
I go to the Froud Forum.
I go to Starbase 49.
I found it on a search engine.
I don't know!
I don't care! Now how do I get out of here?

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