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Re: No Subject

Hi Paul, Malta is currently undergoing discussion regarding the relocation of the principal landfill, which besides daily refuse also receives tonnage of building debris. One of the proposed sites was Birzebbugia (B'Bugia), hence the protest 'sign' (more likely a poster) you saw.

One place or another, refuse has to be dumped and nobody wants it behind his door, so we have to sympathize with the B'bugia residents, as we must also with the Mghatab residents who have to cope with loss of property value, smells/smoke, ill health and environmental damage, not to mention the eyesore of Mount Mghatab.

It is high time that Malta follows the example of those countries that are already aware of the dangers (even caused by and to Tourism) of not controlling waste. Environmental awareness has increased greatly here, but we still have far to go towards this ideal.


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hello! been visiting malta since 1976,ive seen some changes through the years. pretty bay in birzibbugia is the one for used to be safe and the water crystal clear for swimming!but this year the water was merky and not so clear.

as i was driving into the bay i saw a sign which read;welcome to pretty bay maltas dumping ground! whats happening to my favourite place in the sun.. paul