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AA gun positions,gun crews27 Heavy AA Battery

Could anyone help me with were guns of Heavy AA Battery were situated during 1940/42 and names of gun crews

Re: AA gun positions,gun crews27 Heavy AA Battery

Hello Dennis. My Father served with 27th Royal Artillery on Malta between 1941 and 1944. He operated radar and AA guns. I have hundres of his photographs he took in Malta, many of which are pictures of heavy guns, bombing scenes etc. I am able to name many of the gun positions all over Malta and I have many pictures of AA crews with their names on the back. I sell copies of these photos on E Bay (my screen name ploppy1455) If there is any way I can assist with information regarding the Royal Artillery on Malta, please let me know. Regards, Paul Lazell

Re: Re: AA gun positions,gun crews27 Heavy AA Battery

My Father was a gunner with the RMA during world war two. He maned a boffer gun placment in valetta and worked in the dockyard. His name was Percy George Mayo but was commenly known as George. I know its a long shot but you never know you might have a photo of him?

