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Welcome to this forum, Feel free to ask for information or leave articles of help for other people interested in DD 2 Stroke's & GM 8.2L/GM 6.2L.. I Have Service Manuals for Inline71 - V71 - 53 Series - GM6.2l.. Also Parts Books 53-71-92-110.. Please use REFRESH after posts.. You don't have to remain ANON, if i post from an email etc.,I will use this to start with for your identity protection, then you can change if you wish.. Click on first post of subject to view all not last one, or switch Styles..

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Don Hayward's Detroit Diesel 2 Stroke Engine Forum
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How to Stay Motivated During Online Classes?

Staying motivated during online classes is a big hassle. Lack of interaction with peers and distractions can lead to students feeling burnout throughout. It even makes them lose focus. Well, not anymore as by applying different tactics, they can easily overcome this problem. They include 1: Set goals for your online class takers. Determine the time when you are most productive and create a schedule accordingly. Furthermore, focus on short and long-term learning goals, for example preparing for exams, quizzes, etc. 2: Find a quiet place to study and organize your place. Make sure your notes and textbooks are in place. Moreover, keep all the materials for online classes together so that you don’t have any problems. 3: Create a lesson plan. For example, determine how many chapters you will work on a day. Also, keep up with your assignments so you don’t have any problems. 5: Don’t hesitate to seek help from your teachers. Also, if you are struggling to balance any particular class with a hectic schedule, you can pay someone to do online class for you. 6: Connect with your peers and join study groups. By actively participating, you can gain knowledge, provide insights, and seek feedback. 7: Eliminate distractions while working. Learn to set boundaries and say no to things you don’t want to do.