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gaine femme

Do you know the famous corsets much appreciated by women between the 16th and the 19th century? You may have seen them in movies or paintings of those times. Well, today they are back with a completely different function: help lose weight. The finding leading to this is simple. Many women end up with bigger belly than they would have liked, bloating problems, bulges and a waist over the desired one.

Diets, sports, advice taken here and there but still not the expected result ... It can very quickly lead to depression or loss of self-confidence. For a while, many women have used the thin corset to achieve their goal Do you know the famous corsets much appreciated by women between the 16th and the 19th century? You may have seen them in movies or paintings of those times. Well, today they are back with a completely different function: help lose weight. The finding leading to this is simple gaine femme. Many women end up with bigger belly than they would have liked, bloating problems, bulges and a waist over the desired one.. We will see together in the following how this slim clothing works, its effectiveness and the risks associated with its wearing.
The corset is an underwear without elasticity or flexibility that was widely used in the 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. Analyzing closely, it was worn for aesthetic reasons. Indeed, size was at that time the most erotic part in women and the collective consciousness wanted it very fine.

Things have changed a lot, will we say! However, the return of the slimming corset has the same objectives as a few centuries ago. If the garment itself is undoubtedly erotic and adopted even in pornography, the models intended to lose belly must be used in the rules of the art.

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