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Might As Well Face It: You're Addicted To Slash ~The Forum~

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Might As Well Face It: You're Addicted To Slash ~The Forum~
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Hiiiiiii back at you! *g*

I know it's been too quite on my site, but I haven't had the time to update. I do have at least one new story that should be added soon though, hopefully.

Generally, I like SD more, 'cos I like the roster better, but with Taker, who I can't stand, taking up 1/2+ of the show, I've liked RAW much more recent. The most recent RAW kicked ass! And I really laughed at the segment a bit ago of Rosie stuck in the phone booth. Poor boy!

wrestlers: Rico, first and foremost! I love the boy! Then Booker, then, at the moment, A-train. He just rocks! And I love Rhyno and Eddie and Stevie too.

music: metal, metal, and more metal. Especially European power metal.

color: I like purple. It's just a pretty color, and it's the color of my awesome Halloween costume
