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Jaco's Fret-Less Hang!

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Re: Mural

Thank goodness we have the right to individual choice and opinion! :o)

Yes, there is always going to be what someone else considers to be "the best thing", and even the most amazing artist doesn't always do it "all that correct", which is the beauty of art, it isn't always about being correct, it is about expression and the feeling it brings, just like music..Miles built a career on that. Can't please every person. One of my favorite paintings hanging in the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam is of one where he corrected the painting in one area so many times, it wasn't salvageable, he never finished it, but it said so much to me.

I don't think it is about which one was better, difficult call when it comes to art, the first one was not finished, which should have been, and the artwork that had gone into that one before it was white-washed when no one was watching was an enormous amount of work. It is definitely easier to paint using a photo, making a grid over that photo and then painting each square one by one as the second mural was done, so it actually took a short time. Regardless, I am so happy something is there, any or either mural is great. I simply have a problem with how the first artist was treated, sadly it was about the usual control, and using corporate stance to do away with a person, just because they can..... that's all, it's the same attitude that was reflected on the forum, and during the naming of the Park. It's just so extremely sad many projects about Jaco that are touched by "the naked king" have this icky feeling.

But none of it should stand in the way of enjoying the Park, and continue the excitement of how many more ways there are to express how one feels about Jaco and his music.

For instance...a commemorative postage stamp for Jaco!

Listening To: Jack Pastorius