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Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Apparently it must have been 25 and 26.. and I did read those last night... I'll just keep an eye out for updates, very cool idea, an excellent twist on the story!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Nope, Kim. Chapters 27 and 28 were updated, so if you cannot read them it must be that you have to refresh the page. Click on the double arrow (usually green)to do that. Or ask Mrs Darcy to see what could have happened.
If you still cannot read them, you may want to
go to my site (much humbler) where my stories are posted as well.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

I am doing a wicked happy dance right now! Thank you!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Malena! What room did Elizabeth and Bingley run off to? I couldn't figure that out.

I kept wondering if Darcy was unintentionally hidden somewhere in the room and waiting for him to let them know he was there and heard everything.

That better be Elizabeth in the room with Darcy, or else not Darcy! I'm dying to find out. Please give us another update soon?!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena


That better be Elizabeth in the room with Darcy, or else not Darcy! I'm dying to find out. Please give us another update soon?!


Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

My only complaint is HOW COULD YOU LEAVE IT THERE!
And Charles HOW COULD YOU NOT PEEK! We need a witness that Darcy has compromised Elizabeth in case the Richmonds come calling!

Hope to see more...lots more, soon!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Taryn! Mr Bingley is a true gentleman... least sometimes. He did not shy away with Jane...

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Originally I had described it as a small sitting area adjoined to the drawing room, but then I somehow forgot to include your conjecture might be right after all...who knows? Or perhaps he never learns the truth...though he had had a lot of clues with the dog and the yellow robe, do you not think?

you have become quite a fan in what takes a wink. Thank you! And do not fret...Darcy is having some fun after all....or is it not Darcy?

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Taryn! Mr Bingley is a true gentleman... least sometimes. He did not shy away with Jane...

I am surprized that Mr. Bingley, being Miss Elizabeth's almost brother with a relationship closer than most kin, did not take the position of her only relative in Darcy House and stand up for her by demanding a special license in the morning or satisfaction. Even for most portrayals of Mr. Bingley there seems to be a strong streak of family loyalty (or inertia) and I am surprized he would leave her there without an understanding or, if not Elizabeth, demand Darcy honour compromising her first. Of course then he would have to explain himself. Oophs.
Oh dear, my soapbox has yet again appeared under my feet. I shall just collect it and slink away...and continue to read all your delightful posts.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Mmm...that is a lot of free conjectures...the truth is... we are still to see who was in the room with Darcy before we can begrudge Bingley for lack of neckbone, do you not think? Thanks for commenting! I love to intrigue people.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

My congecture is that Darcy had to leave the parlor because he was too aroused to stay, so away he went before his bodily function took over Elizabeth and they both were embarrassed. Loved the chapter Malena.
Now I am sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for you to write about he happenings in the billiards room.

Oh yes, and about Ayden's 'The Great Game'- it is one of my all time favorites.
Hoping for rain so I can read the next chapter!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Yeah, cross fingers. At least it will be very cold in my country, and it is a holiday so I will stay at home and write along Thanks for your words.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Chapter 29 is up, my dears. Awesome, isn't it? Mind you, it's the last chapter but one, so enjoy it to the fullest.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

I loved every bit of this chapter!
Well, I wish the Colonel would have kept his lips to himself. But other than that, very enjoyable.

The bone I have to pick is w/you not writing about what Charles seen in the billiards room. I was scared for a minute thinking the Colonel was going to impose on Elizabeth more than he did. I am glad that did not happen! Now with a little more rain maybe we can finally get to Darce and Elizabeth playing at pool!
I just love billiard room scenes!!
What a great story Malena!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

I see the rain fairies cooperated with the fans of this story! Thanks so much for starting my day with a new chapter. And what a chapter!!! Nicely done, Malena.

I want the next to come soon, but I also do not want it to end.

Will Elizabeth tell Darcy what happened or will it remain a secret? Will Bingley tell Jane?

On the bright side, maybe once you are done with this, the rain fairies will allow you to finish PP?

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Thank you Teb. Actually it is a very cold raining day today and Sunday to boot. Other than my own bare necessities (the football match keeps my DH well distracted)there is nothing else between my keyboard and my fancy. So cross fingers!
About dear CF. He is a gentlemanly rake. It was the brandy that dumbed his brain and unleashed his lust. But he is not in love with Elizabeth. He is merely mesmerized.

Glad you like the chap.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

I completely understand your feeling. ANS has been quite a brainwave and a great source of entertainment. I am too sad to see it coming to an end.

Indeed, the muse will certainly direct me to finish PP, which had been overshadowed by ANS. As I was telling Teb, it is raining so I will probably write on.

ANS Chapter 30 is already in the dear hands of my beta.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

So the married Darcy's is what Bingley returned to witness. awwwww

How are the Bennet's and Gardners going to take this surprise wedding.


Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Indeed, Geri...I am soo happy to haver surprised you all.
I think that the Gardiners will have to deal with it, like every one else. They did back Lidia up in a patched up marriage with a scoundrel, didn't they?
Can you imagine Mrs Bennets shrieks of delight?

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

That bit with the Colonel did have me a little nervous at first! Darcy is nothing if not resolved when a course of action has been determined upon.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Indeed! No wonder he is my hero!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

<-- that's me waiting on next chapter...

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Thank you for your patience, Kim. The thing is that I am writing five other stories and I usually leave it to the readership to decide which story they would like to read first.Till now, ANS has been the winner, but last week end, since the angst in ANS has dwindled notoriously,the readership selected another story (one not currently posted here because it has not been properly proofread). I know the end is only one chapter away , but I cannot write more than one chapter a week, hence the poll
Should you wish to vote for ANS here is the link:
Good luck!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Chapter 30 is up, my dears. It's the last one, but an epilogue will follow, I'm very happy to say. Enjoy!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

To funny that he kept getting visions of Bingley, but certainly he would. Now I wonder how they will feel when the deed is done. I hope she does not regret her hasty actions, after all she has waited and watched for quite sometime. Great chapter. So looking forward to more Malena.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

What a chapter, Darcy freaking thinking of Bingley glad he got past. Love the chapter

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Thank you girls. Glad you like it. It is the end, you know...there will be an epilogue, mind you, but there is precious little to be said...unless you think otherwise.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

I've enjoyed this journey so much Malena.. this story has made me literally LAUGH until I've cried... thank you for sharing with us! I look forward to the epilogue!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Malena, thanks for the lovely new chapter! Loved that hot billiard room scene! poor Darcy--loved his confusion about Bingley.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Thank you Kim and Lucy.Comments like yours have been very inspiring all along...

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

thanks for those lovely new chapters. I long to read more, but then, I know the end is near. Leaves me with mixed feelings.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

We are on the same boat, my dear. I have mixed feelings. ANS was really fun to write and share.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Sorry this story is ending. I enjoyed it from the very beginning and will miss it very much.
Thank you for all your wonderful stories.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Thank you, Maria, for reading my material. I will miss ANS too, particularly the landslide of comments it has always brought up. The good side of it? Perhaps a new idea comes up and a new story is born!
By the way, the epilogue is coming real soon.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

My dears, the epilogue has just been posted. Enjoy!

Thanks a million, dear Malena, I and so many others adore your work. So it is with a little sadness that we have to say goodbye to "A Naughty Star". But... what about Parson's Pleasure?

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Uh oh! That's a heck of a cliffhanger to leave us with there, Malena!!! From what you've said, Elizabeth is not really the Colonel's "heart's desire", it is only lust, so I don't think Anne and Elizabeth will switch places...but if you want to do a sequel and tell us that I'm wrong, I'm sure none of us will mind! Who knows what the Colonel and Anne will wake up to, though! I'm glad at least Anne got her heart's desire!

Thank you so much for such a great story, Malena. I enjoyed every minute of it!!!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Thanks did I! And now back to Parson's Pleasures.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Thanks did I! And now back to Parson's Pleasures.

Excellent idea!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Oh how could you what did Darcy feel? :D

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Well, we would only know for sure if I sat and wrote yet another epilogue. But that is not going to happen, so you can choose your own finale. Perhaps nothing happens since Elizabeth has made no wish. Or perhaps Anne never changes because Fitzwiliam's desire is money above all. Or perhaps Lizzie finds herself trapped in Anne's body and Anne stays as Elizabeth for a while until the charm comes to its natural end, to the entertainment of both the colonel and Anne , of course... Or...Goodness me! The possibilities!

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

How impertinant of you Malena, writing a chapter like that! lol
I would actually like to believe rather that Anne tricked Fitzwilliam into marrying her and did not actually make a wish.
This was a fun story!!!!!!!
Thanks so much for the great entertainment.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

LOL Teb...A little bit of thinking will do no harm to anyone, But if you are a careful reader , you will find out what really happened. It is there!

Thanks for reading the story.

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Many, many, many thanks, dear Malena, for this great story!

Best regards,

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena


I just finished reading "A Naughty Star," and it is one of the most well-written stories I have read! There was fabulous humour at every turn, and it was almost slapstick in its most absurd moments. How did you come up with such captivating banter? You used excellent Regency tone in your language and sentence structure, with a lilting flow of words that perfectly matched the twinkle in the eye that comes from the theme.

You tackled an almost impossible task, to clearly show two characters being swapped, and knowing who was whom without confusion. You gave us a clear delineation of characters with your writing techniques, including italics, ensuring that the reader knew who was thinking and who he/she looked like to others.

You even gave us a bit of angst at the end! Bravo, and thank you!


Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Dearest Suze,

Of all that you have stated I only own the absurdity and captivating banter.

As to the Regency style , that is very much Austen's.

My dear betas were the ones who solved the problem of character delination. Debra came up with this quotation thing so that one could differentiate Lizzinley from Binglizzie.

By the way, I will take this opportunity to thank those beautiful ladies who helped with observations and checked both grammar and spelling: TJ, Debra, Ellen, Belen, Denver among others.

Thanks again for taking time to comment.
Hope to find you again amidst my readers at another opportunity

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

I fell for P&P movie (the one with Keira and Matthew) last summer. Since then I've been avoiding FFs for my own sake, but after watcing the movie about 30 times, read the novel 20 and managed to order the BBC 1995 version a couple of days ago I gave up. "It will not do." This to say I adore this ff, I started reading at 1 a.m. yesterday and ended at 4 a.m. This is ridicolous, cos I'm a mother of 2 and had to wake up at 6.
anyway, thank you, it really had been a wonderful night

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

Dear sleepless,
You are not alone. I am the mother of four which necessarily means that my house is upsidedown most of the time and still I could not stop until I have written the story through.I am currently writing another (a pair of stories in fact)so you can imagine the general state of my household.
Thanks for your devotion LOL and for telling me you have enjoyed.
have a nice sleep

Re: A Naughty Star by Malena

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