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Donna's Designs Guestbook

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October 11th 2007
09:07:12 AM
What is your name?  


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October 5th 2007
07:06:38 PM
What is your name?  


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September 26th 2007
02:53:23 AM
What is your name?  


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September 20th 2007
01:49:21 AM
What is your name?  


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November 27th 2006
04:02:20 PM
What is your name?  

Artus von der Kleintierfarm

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Deutscher Schäferhund - Artus von der Kleintierfarm

A Description of your Web Site:  

Rassestandard, Anatomie und Onlinetagebuch des Deutschen Schäferhundes

How did you find this Web Site?  

Google (DE)

Where are you from?  

Freistaat Bayern (Germany)

Do you have any comments?  

NEWS +++ NEWS +++ NEWS +++ NEWS +++ über 3500 Bilder jetz ONLINE.

Liebe Grüsse aus dem Freistaat Bayern / Deutschland sendet Dir,

Deutscher Schäferhund – Artus von der Kleintierfarm.

Wenn Du Zeit, Lust & Muse hast, dann besuch doch mal mein Online Bildertagebuch,

also bis bald.

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September 15th 2006
10:05:38 PM
What is your name?  


What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Delilah's Place

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

Hey Ghoulfriend!

Gruesome site you've got going on here... I love it.

Please stop by my halloween lair and say BOO... and don't forget to pick up some awards before you leave.


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August 21st 2006
04:56:18 PM
What is your name?  

Shelly Franz (formerly Collett)

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Musings of a Phenomenal Webmistress

How did you find this Web Site?  


Where are you from?  

Illinois, formerly TX

Do you have any comments?  

Hey, Miss Donna! Been missing you, what's up? As you can see from the name change, got lots to tell you...get in touch!

Shel from sigtags

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January 16th 2006
04:53:57 AM
What is your name?  

JavaScriptStar ~ Play JavaScript Games

Do you have any comments?  

Come play one of our games and add your link! We have everything from basic to advanced Javascript. We just added a webmaster area with real time stats. Have you ever wondered who has the most popular browser? How about the most popular screen resolution? We have all that information plus a lot more! Come see for yourself and be sure to bookmark our site.

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November 12th 2005
12:57:13 PM
What is your name?  

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Do you have any comments?  

good guestbook :). hello .from europe!. this .is free guestbook ?..

October 3rd 2005
10:08:03 PM
What is your name?  

Isis Lyn

What is the Title of your Web Site:  


Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

Welcome to GOF

A Cheery Hello to
Welcome you to the
Garden of Friendship,
Have a Happy Day,
The very Special kind.

Hugs, Lyn

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