The Great Neopian Guild Guest Book

Welcome to the Great Neopian Guild Guest Book.

Please note, any messages containing negative discussion or swearing will be removed.

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June 23rd 2015
03:58:46 AM
What is your neopets username?  

Daniela Cabo Roig

What would you like to say?  

I really enjoyed this visit to your web site that I realized to be very well constructed and displayed, I will certainly be heading back often to find out how it is growing and maybe offer some supplemental comments if that is useful to you. I have today arrived back from our annual vacation in Spain, we were exploring Cabo Roig, a favourite of mine, and needed to be cheered up after developing the post-holiday depression, so finding your incredible internet site was clearly the tonic that I needed to perk me up and get back to normality. The breaks in Spain (and Cabo Roig especially) consistently gets the mental energy charged up again and help me face another year , the issue is that returning home gets us a bit down in the dumps and melancholy. Looking around the net for those high quality sites is normally the fix for that reason seeing your web blog really was a great help in getting over the Cabo Roig despondency. It's always great to look through a website that is well considered and well laid out, that I felt your one to be in copious amounts we are positive that it's cool that you should know if someone else has took pleasure in their visit also to recognize that your time hasn't been wasted in developing it. Therefore , next time I return from Spain, we will already appreciate the perfect place to show up for a shot in the arm. Thanks.

April 16th 2004
04:52:01 PM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

how do i join this guild?

April 14th 2004
06:26:27 PM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

I asked about how old u were!

April 12th 2004
10:10:07 AM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

thanks for posting everyone. i'm 20, for whoever it was that asked

April 10th 2004
07:02:39 AM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

hiya how do you get promoted

April 9th 2004
12:47:52 PM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

Hey, its me Laura5981. I was wondering if I could get pramoted? because im tired of being on totaly normal Please?

April 9th 2004
10:46:30 AM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

hey..just wanted 2 saw that this is such a great guild. I'm pretty new 2 it.. and it has been the best one I've been in.. just curious.. how old is shinyd3on?

April 9th 2004
10:01:31 AM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

I love the layout of this site... and have found it very helpful... thank you so very much... and the guild... is one of the best I've been in... thanks for having it.

April 8th 2004
03:08:55 PM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  


April 7th 2004
04:16:06 AM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

Great guild, Ive been searching for the best guild, this one surely is akeeper

March 14th 2004
10:53:04 AM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

Sorry, typo.

March 14th 2004
10:51:38 AM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

Great Guild! ~*Go Devils !*~

February 26th 2004
03:07:09 PM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

Great Guild yet again, Chris. The site is awesome.

February 24th 2004
09:48:50 PM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

Of course, many people know me as Brynda1968, I will be playing more under that name after this contest finishes. But then again, I do prefer vampires
I am probably one of the oldest players here, but since Chris is so cute, I might hang here for a few more years....LOL.

February 23rd 2004
08:16:15 PM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

Glad to see the website! Anyway, love the guild and the contest is great...anyway, I don't have much time, I'll be checking around the site now...

February 22nd 2004
10:45:57 AM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  


February 21st 2004
01:58:31 AM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

Hey! I love this guild, great idea for the teams um, also this site will look great once its expanded, if it keeps going the way it is right now! cant wait!

February 20th 2004
07:29:45 PM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

Hey, love the site and the contest is really coming along. Shinyd3mon this is your third very successful guild, great job your an awsome guild leader and neofriend. It's people like you that prove that neopets isnt just for the young people. The Great Neopian Guild is the BEST GUILD!!

February 8th 2004
06:18:51 AM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

Hi me again! Well, new guild new beginning.(though the guestbook is an old one...) The guild looks great and hope it grows into an amazing guild for everyone!

February 8th 2004
04:25:53 AM
What is your neopets username?  


What would you like to say?  

New Guild! YAY! *does happy dance, waving arms around*

*waves to all the guild members making their way here*
*looks forward to making new things for the Guild and competitions*

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